What is Better than Homade Hash?


Well-Known Member
I love smokin' homegrown weed, but I just made some killer hash. I am so out of it I don't no whether to stare at my ceiling fan for an hour or go compose a 20 minute jazz odyssey.

Just thought I would share with the group.


New Member
I hate you. :|

Nah kidding. Thats awesome. Honey oil is qyuite fine also;)

I'm officially jealous.


Well-Known Member
its only 3:30 am on a saturday, i think i might just stay up to enjoy convos with everyone here..


hash is the shit,

you suck for having hash, and me not having..hash..

meh =]

i give you no rep, because im not mean nor am i nice to those with things that are better then me..(lies)


Well-Known Member
this just popped into my head,

so about a hour ago, we just finished off a blunt, and the small bits of kief left on the plate i brought out to roll, and like uses a creditcard to scrap that shit into a plastic cig holder, and was like "screw you guys this is my bowl before bed!"

Now this was not only at my house, my weed and the plate had ashes on it.. But since theres no drama at my house..But my friend had to intervene was like "dude, first off thats his weed, second of all, you just mixxed that shit with ash from the blunt dude!!!"

good times


Well-Known Member
hash is the shit,

you suck for having hash, and me not having..hash..

meh =]

i give you no rep, because im not mean nor am i nice to those with things that are better then me..(lies)
Gimme rep! I totally deserve it for being on drugs!