What is best thing to use instead of water in a bong?


New Member
I was at the hedshop the other day and they are selling flavoured bong water. There was like 8 types but I setteled on blueberry, I'll let you know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Alcohol destroys the THC. I have used about every liquid I could think of. My favorite is Yoohoo.
Doesn't destroy the THC, it just traps it. You can drink the alcohol afterwards and get REALLY ripped if you felt like drinking something that nasty.


New Member
that is such bs that bongs are only meant for water... ever tried hot chamomile tea in a bong? if not, you will thank me later. not only does it allow for a bigger, more soothing warm hit, but it tastes AMAZING. I do both hot and cold water bongs, but I prefer a hot bong to really enjoy the flavor of my purple
i like my bong water room temperature.
creates less water vapor to inhale.

and i wont try the tea thing - as i said. my bongs are meant for water and water alone.


Well-Known Member
Vodka. Just make sure the flame doesn't hit the alcohol but most stems are long enough that there is no issue. Not a joke. Want a smooth hit? Try it once. :mrgreen: bongsmilie I prefer Stoli over the cheaper stuff.
who's drinking flammable vodka?!? and why are people inhaling alcohol, doesn't that shit burn? That can't be healthy, smoke is already bad enough lolbongsmilie


New Member
I kind of like hot water. But room temperature water is my preference. Suspended ice is much better than ice water, imo. Ice water seems to make the hits extra harsh.
Bingo Tree....that is what I like best as well. Room temperature water gives me the smoothest hit.

If you need to add flavors, you are probably smoking bad weed.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I've heard of people using cold milk coz that helps to keep your bong clean, I've never tried it myself though.


Active Member
Scientific studyies show that bongs only give you 78% thc content of 1 hit if you use a vape(vaporizer) it will get you about 14% percent increase in thc content of smoke and its better for your lungs thats a 92% of thc content so if you want to get higher than ussually i recommend Extreme Vaporizer by Arizer great for just getting fucking retarded but if you like just playing around with your smoke and love glass i guess a bong is right for you.:joint:my reguards to all worldwide smokers.


Well-Known Member
Bingo Tree....that is what I like best as well. Room temperature water gives me the smoothest hit.

If you need to add flavors, you are probably smoking bad weed.

out. :blsmoke:
aww c'mon, everyone gets bored sometimes! As a pothead, experimentation with flavor (blunts, bongs, orange peels) is a must, imho.:weed:


New Member
Why mess with the taste? I find it to be pretty damn good... :peace:

But it's still a relatively free country...go for it. My taste buds LOVE good weed. I'll save my flavors for drinks. :lol:

out. :blsmoke:

DJ Crack420

New Member
lol..fruit punch actually seems like a good idea..a good tasting hit looks posible..just make sure you clean that bitch reguarly.


Active Member
i like to fill my bong with beer... only the cheap stuff...... then i drink it after.
maybe thats why im so fucked up.......