What is a good ph for my plants?

pot smoker

it needs to b 6.5-7.5, if its less then 7 its acitiy will eat the roots, if its higher then 7 it can poison the plants with to much minrals. It can range a bit higher or lower, the best way to water it is leve a 5 gallon bucket out full of water n let it sit over night so you know theres no clorine left in it. Then just take water from the bucket when needed. Make shure ur not over watering it can cause worce problems. Gl on the grow. Dont stress bout it Normal tap water normaly works, if ur worried, use bottled water or just souluted.


Well-Known Member
it needs to b 6.5-7.5, if its less then 7 its acitiy will eat the roots, if its higher then 7 it can poison the plants with to much minrals. It can range a bit higher or lower, the best way to water it is leve a 5 gallon bucket out full of water n let it sit over night so you know theres no clorine left in it. Then just take water from the bucket when needed. Make shure ur not over watering it can cause worce problems. Gl on the grow. Dont stress bout it Normal tap water normaly works, if ur worried, use bottled water or just souluted.
Not sure where you got this info, but if you look at what is called PH lockout, you will find that for soil a PH under 7 is advised (usually around 6.5 is good). For hydro you typically run lower, around 5.5. If you run too high you lock out most micro nutrients. If you run too low you lock out npk.