What is a good hydroponic set to go with?


So i have a 4x4x6 tent, and i an trying to figure out which hydro setup i should go with. Any ideas from people who have used these setups?

Thank you:-P


Active Member
I would suggest coco as a medium, and yeah a drip system is very reliable. I use coco and feed by hand every 3-5 days.


Active Member
I've been doing a fair amount of research and dwc (deep water culture) seems like a great way to go.


Well-Known Member
agreed in an area like that a few DWC tubs would make most sense..they r cheep and ez to make and they r movable and such


Well-Known Member
alright dope. i think im going to go with this then...


check it out let me know what you think.
u could make that for 50 bucks... look in DIY or serch for "roseman" hes got a great tutorial on how to make a DWC and run it proper or if ur down with the DIY stuff i have a great link for blueprints for an aero set up... DIY it, its cheeper, u made it, u can modafiy it to ur needs, and theres no paper trails... thats my opinion


Well-Known Member
k wel i dont have rosemans link but if u type his name in the serch engine will find a post from him and he will have it in his signature and here the blue prints... i read a post saying that his part count was off as he said 2 elbows when it was really 4 so compair the list to the prints to insure u got everything... good luck!