What insect does this?

Hey guys, I am having trouble with a few plants in my garden. They are outdoors in a greenhouse and I'm getting a few branches here and there dying. When I look at the branch there is a weird dead/rotted/chewed part right at the base where the branch hits the main stem. These branches end up dying and I have to cut them off. I am trying to determine if this is an insect problem, and if so what insect would do something like this? Let me know if you need any other information to help me diagnose this issue, I'll try to take some pictures next time I find one of these branches.

Thanks everyone! And enjoy your day!


Well-Known Member
I've had a very similar issue with a Lavendar plant in my back garden.

Stems would appear chewed here and there and then the stem would die at the chew point.

Aphids were the culprit on my Lavendar.
