What information did you wish you had when you started growing?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm wondering, what info did you wish you had when you started growing? Did you look for an all inclusive book that told you all the possible ways to grow? Or were you looking for more of a grow journal that you could follow and copy? What problems if any did you encounter with trying to get information on the internet? j/w any feedback is appreciated


Well-Known Member
Wish someone would have told me to be more patient on my first grows. I liked to harvest early the first couple times. Bought the Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible that helped a lot. Still made mistakes though even after I thought I knew what I was doing. Now I search these posts and learn as much as I did from any book. Its a learn from your mistakes and become better kind of thing for me..


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, I wonder, do you think it would have helped you to have a step by step guide rather than the all inclusive Grower's Bible for the first grow book you bought? Hahaha, I know what you mean for the patience thing, I still have problems with waiting!


Well-Known Member
IDK if a step by step would have worked for me. Most of my problems wouldn't have been explained... mites, fungus gnats, over watering, calcium deficient, etc.... I needed a broader knowledge than just a step by step.. I do follow the FF feeding instructions but I watch the leaves to tell me what is going on and adjust from there.
One thing I left out of my first post.. Remember to check them every day.. After my 3rd or so grow I remember getting relaxed thinking I could just check it when I thought it needed water. That I was getting good at this...mistake... Every grow is a little different and if something goes wrong you want to know that day, not 2 or 3 days later....
Practice makes perfect...


Active Member
I agree leaving the plants alone is better than doing too much, as I have seen it said before, many new growers kill their plants with kindness... Learning how to "read" or "know" your plants would definitely be a game changer. Not sure how you could know that other than actual hands on experience, but it would have been helpful. If you watch these forums and read, read and then read some more, you can get some good information and apply it to your own grow. Lastly... keep it simple and don't over think things.


I wish I would of started in soil in the first place I tried hydro first and killed a lot of plants. Soil is so much more forgiving im going to get a few more soil grows under my belt and give hydro another shot


Active Member
these sites are good but iv found that their is an awful lot of dick heads on the internet who would rather try and take the pis and act superior than help you out. Plenty of decent helpful peeps aswell tho! I used to check pretty much everything I did before I did it from as many different sourcess of information I could find. Much of it is opinion and down to preference I believe as long as you follow the basics and fundamentels its all good. Iv never had a plant die on me yet!


Sector 5 Moderator
Too much food and water, and not enough light. My first "grow" was DJ Shorts "Blueberry"; I managed to kill every one of them.