what in your opinion is the most lacking quality in this f&*#@% world today ?

what is the most lacking quality in this world with fellow people persons

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Well-Known Member
First off greed is in the heart of all mankind its ingrained in us just like other survival instincts. Sad but true in my eyes. Everybody wants theres its just how much they need to be satisfied and if they are willing and smart enough to accomplish it.

Actually the lower clas run the country. Is the garbage man or the janitor middle class? HOw about your mechanic? I think not. I do agree that the middle class in this country is a hugely under valued comodity. Redistribution of wealth(taxes) in this country are the true problem in killing the middle class. Promoting those who can afford to promote themselves. Just the opinion of a guy who does accounting and finance for a living.
I agree with you in part, but haven't we evolved as a society to be better than that?

I love Star Trek, but I always laugh at the message the show sends out, how mankind will come to a realization that it doesnt need to accumulate "things", yet when we hit the 24th century I bet the Enterprise will be sitting in some rich mans stardock, waiting with the tarp on until it is pulled out once a year to fly around the rich man's kids for a weekend.

A lot of people today hold on to money and things so tightly they only way they ever let go is when they die. I mean, why are we still even using oil as fuel? We had electric cars in 1899 that could go over 60mph, are you telling me in over 100 years we havent "figured" out how to make a proper electric car by now?

To answer your question about jobs, I guess it depends what garbage man and janitor. If he/she is working for the government, then he probably gets $20-30hr plus benefits and a pension. I also know mechanic's that make over $80hr fixing cars, higher end cars, but still decent wages. I would say these people are middle class.

Poor class is being jobless or working for very little, say under $12. Just guessing though.

What i really mean is the comfy jobs people got straight out of high school with full benefits and pensions are disappearing. Most people today can not afford to buy a home until they are 30, unlike most of our parents who could buy in their early 20's.


I agree with you in part, but haven't we evolved as a society to be better than that?

I love Star Trek, but I always laugh at the message the show sends out, how mankind will come to a realization that it doesnt need to accumulate "things", yet when we hit the 24th century I bet the Enterprise will be sitting in some rich mans stardock, waiting with the tarp on until it is pulled out once a year to fly around the rich man's kids for a weekend.

A lot of people today hold on to money and things so tightly they only way they ever let go is when they die. I mean, why are we still even using oil as fuel? We had electric cars in 1899 that could go over 60mph, are you telling me in over 100 years we havent "figured" out how to make a proper electric car by now?

To answer your question about jobs, I guess it depends what garbage man and janitor. If he/she is working for the government, then he probably gets $20-30hr plus benefits and a pension. I also know mechanic's that make over $80hr fixing cars, higher end cars, but still decent wages. I would say these people are middle class.

Poor class is being jobless or working for very little, say under $12. Just guessing though.

What i really mean is the comfy jobs people got straight out of high school with full benefits and pensions are disappearing. Most people today can not afford to buy a home until they are 30, unlike most of our parents who could buy in their early 20's.
The electric car thing all goes back to money. 80k a year is not middle class every in the states.

So you expect our society to continue to be lazy and expect good jobs out of high school as it did in the past? Let's get real about this situation. You can be lucky(connections or blind luck) or be hard working and smart about it. So now your required not to be a complete dumbshit or lazy ass in life. Whats the problem here?


Well-Known Member
i don't even know what to say... my road looks very bright right now. i am an intern at an engineering firm been there for a year now. My boss told me he would like to hire me after i graduate.

Im not ignorant about it. I know i am very lucky to have my future set up already at 22, but i am sure working my ass off helped a lot too.


Active Member
^^^ idk bro I think were pretty free. I mean just look at how other countries are treated we on the other hand are fucking spoiled.
Except for fair wages
Medical care for all
College or tech school for all that qualify (not everybody is wired for college)
and the list goes on and on, sure we are free to slowly become a serfdom at this rate.

We are still doing well compared to many 3rd world countries but do not drink the kool aide that we are as free as we think.

This is not the USA it was from after WW2 thru 1981.


Well-Known Member
i don't even know what to say... my road looks very bright right now. i am an intern at an engineering firm been there for a year now. My boss told me he would like to hire me after i graduate.

Im not ignorant about it. I know i am very lucky to have my future set up already at 22, but i am sure working my ass off helped a lot too.
Congratz man. I was in the same boat before, sick of working crummy jobs so I finally went to school and did something with my life. Got an internship as well at a company and then eventually got hired full time. I did suck working for free while I interned, but it was worth it in the end.


Pickle Queen
I picked loyalty, but compassion is my next choice. Why was respect not an option???

Common sense bahhahahahah such thing is only a myth ;)


Well-Known Member
i think people have no compassion for anyone. everyone is so hateful and miserable, they only care about themselves & their dumb kids lol

Total Head

Well-Known Member
there was no option for respect so i went with common sense, patience, and "other". i think all the other stuff like balls, loyalty, trust, etc. would be non-issues if people would have some fucking respect for others before just expecting it in return. people feeling disrespected is the root of just about every problem in humanity. religious wars, class warfare, law making...all stem from someone's perception that someone is being disrespected.
Funny how we all point toward lack of respect.

I have just about given up on mankind (in my country at least). The problem is that I feel like the vast majority is selfish. They only care about themselves and getting what they want.

I dont just say this because of the economy being fucked up, this did make it worse but in general. How many of you think you actually have friends at work? most of them would throw you under the bus if they had a chance. Stepping on you on their way up the ladder.

Yeah the world has become a very selfish place to live and sometimes (most of the time) I would just assume stay up here in the hills, farm, fish and live my life in peace but for a few hours each day just as most of you, I have to go out there and make a living. How do I get through it without killing someone? I keep this though in my head; Those other people, those jackasses, those glutenous bastards, those power hungry selfish immoral pieces of trash, THEY ARE JUST CREATURES OF THIS PLANET AS AM I.

What these people do shall have no effect. I will live my live as a seperate individual an will not be harmed, put down or effected in any way by their existence.

This is human rights as just another being on this planet as I understand it. This includes ALL animals, plants etc. We are all here and we will all die at one point. So who are they to judge or effect my will to pursue happiness?
