What in the world happend... Plants went limp on me...

So I transferred a few of my better seedlings from a cloner type thing into a bubble system last night. Left them in the temp growing closet under 3x 26w CFLs. Woke up this morning and checked on them 6 hours later and they were fine. So I turned on a bigger 45w CFL in a reflector to give them even more light. Well I checked it 3 hours later and the plants look like what you see here. However, those plants are closer to the lamp, there is another box that about 6 inches lower than them with 2 plants that was fine.

After reading a bit about burning them, it does not seem that was the cause. However at the same time, it only happened after I hit them with a real strong light. Think it got to hot? I also hit them with aqua flakes for the first time, but I used the same amount in both tubs (very very reserved amount) and the other plants are just fine. Just this one.

Ill be moving all of them today into a much better home, but I wonder if it was actually the light that messed them up. Any ideas? :-(



Well-Known Member
i dont know if 100w of cfl did that....

what are aqua flakes? what is your nutrient situation?

im kind of hydro illiterate so i dont know how much help ill be....
Yah I wouldn't think it would either, just seemed like the obvious culprit since it happened only after I turned it on. Aqua flakes are just a nute system for hydro/bubbleponics. Has an A & B solution that you put in the water every time you change/refill it that you increase as vegging goes a long. Right now those 2 plants have about 3-5gallons worth of water with about 1 gallon worth of Aqua Flakes, just because I didn't want to freak them out the first time they got nutes.


Well-Known Member
My personal piece of advice would be do soil first grow. I invested like $150 into making a buble ponics system only to switch to soil bceause of the numerous problems a first time hydro grower is bound to face. Even with the cheapest of the soil Miracle grow, they are exploding in growth compared to hydro.
what I mean by 1 gallon worth of Aqua Flakes was I put the amount called for in the feed guide that would feed 1 gallon worth of water. So for 3-5 gallons of water I gave it technically 1/5 the recommended strength...give or take.

This is actually my 2nd grow. My first grow is happening as we speak outside on my patio, plants are about 3 months old and in soil. Going very well with them. The only problem is it is not a sustainable grow set up as I live in a populated apartment building, thus I have to move to hydro/indoor to be safe.
took them out of the light room last night to let them rest, woke up today and they look even worse. I think they are down for the count :/


Over Watering:
where nutrient solution is constantly being pumped into the medium. This tends to keep the entire root system completely saturated. A better way would be to periodically feed the plants, say for 1/2 hour every 2-3 hours. This would give the roots a chance to get needed air to them, and prevent root rot and other problems. Not sure if this helps? And if all else fails grab some soil dude...throw them into soil...soil is alot more forgiving!


Active Member
I think you used too much light for the size of the plants. If it happened right after you turned on the other cfl, it was probably too much light. Small plants like these dont hold much moisture and it doesnt take much for the light to dry em up. Are these in any type of medium besides the expanded clay pebbles? If you have the cuttings sticking right into the pebbles then you can water 24/7, its the exact same thing as running your aeroponics 24/7. However if they are in a rapid rooter or rockwool cube, then yest you can overwater them pretty easily at that age. Also, dont use the H&G aqua flakes yet, let them get a little bit bigger with a decent root zone