What in the FU** is "LEGAL BUD"


Well-Known Member
you lost me :) sorry ....would be interesting aloha
What I am saying is that overripe buds have less thc in them and more of the other components, but that they are not devoid of thc. They still have some thc in them, so you are getting both thc and other components, even when you smoke overripe bud. Therefore, smoking overripe bud is not a way to tell what effect the non-thc components in marijuana has on you in the absense of thc, because you are still getting them with some thc.

I'm saying that it would be interesting to know what kind of effects that non-thc components in marijuana have on a person in the absense of thc.

Sorry, I can't remember if the most significant non-thc component is called cbd, cbn, or what, so I said 'cbd/cbn/whateveridunno instead. I can see how that would be a little confusing.. :oops:


Well-Known Member
I still feel the issue is un-answered... I still see no answer on what exactly it is?

and all the chemicles that get you high start off as thc or are produced in the trichomes with the thc. Even when the plant is very young it still produces trichomes, just not as much and without the stalks... they havent swelled up yet.

Some strains have so little trichome production it doesnt even really get you high... and then you have hemp.

I have not really looked into this subject but I can tell you now if you get high off of it... there is THC in the plant. In order to have any cbn,cbl,cba, cannibinoids you must have trichomes.

Trichomes work like a solar power plant, it uses the energy of light to produce all the psycho-active chemicles. If there is trichomes there is always THC.

There is around 400-500 chemicles in a cannabis plant all together, but only a select handful are psychoactive, (gets you high).

So if your smoking some pot that has no thc in it and it makes you high... excuse my language but FUCK THAT.

You dont know whats in there and I don't care what anyone tells you I would not smoke it... I prefer to know what the hell im smoking in the first place.