What i'm doing:

Its Done

Active Member
Hello, I'm growing about 6 plants on two 75 watt light bulbs and giving 200 ML of water every two days. I have a fan. Anything I am doing wrong? Alsoo, "Heat Seeking Helicopters" do you think they will pick up on two small lights?


Well-Known Member
2 75W light bulbs? What kind?

You should give your plant(s) a full watering when they are dry...you want to make sure that the entire root system is getting water.

Its Done

Active Member
Clear bulb. I think fluorescent, i'm not sure. I stole it from Home Depot I read on a site that's what I need. Ok thanks for the comment and I should water all around the dirt not just in one spot?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You shouldn't steal, cuz that attracts attention.And it's bad.Get compact flourescents.
Clear bulb. I think fluorescent, i'm not sure. I stole it from Home Depot I read on a site that's what I need. Ok thanks for the comment and I should water all around the dirt not just in one spot?

Its Done

Active Member
Ok, but am I watering the right amount and do I have the right lighting watts? Andd Home Depot didn't even notice.. This site is so nice, everyone knows what their doing. I was talking to my brother and he said he use to grow it and got busted and arrested and fined for $1,200.


Well-Known Member
More lighting is really going to help in each stage of your grow. If you have the money look into INVESTING in a HID light. If you don't have the funds, get a job, and in the meantime get yourself some CFLs. Compact fluorescents as stoney mentioned.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
High Tech Garden Supply This is the HID light. High Intensity Discharge. The best thing for the job. Get a switchable metal halide bulb for veg, if you want to see maximum results. Hps is for flower, but can be used all the way through if necessary.

Its Done

Active Member
Ok, well if I can get this batch sold, i'll look into it. Now, am I watering the right amount? And all this is going down inside of an old treehouse of mine. It was 4 walls, a door, lock, and a glass window. The temp outside where I live gets to be around 100 but inside the treehouse it's about 85 is that ok? Or should I look for a way to cool down?