What if...

Someone had germinated a seed in a cup in a dark place, and left it there for a week? Would the seed still germinate or would it being in there for that long kill it?
Sorry if this has been answered before or obvious, just looked around the forum for a bit and couldn't find an answer.


Well-Known Member
a week is a long time to go without light but Ive left mine in the dark for four days and they all sprouted.



Well-Known Member
by "someone" do you mean you?

is this like ohh "my friend" left a seed in the dark for a week?


Active Member
well if they are in dark place and they sprout and theres light getting in they will stretch like mad to get to the light


Well-Known Member
it will germinate if its a viable seed, then stretch like hell when it breaks the surface and still doesnt find any light. A week is quite a while w/o light, but assuming it takes a few days to germinate and sprout it should survive.


Well-Known Member
^Exactly. Also, it'll likely be yellowish-colored, due to the lack of photosynthesis taking place. Generally, it'll be unheathly as hell, and'll need nursed back to heath. It'll survive though, as long as it isn't overwatered, or exposed to temp extremes.