what if . . .


Hello RIU I was wondering if I start a few plants under CFL and veg them 24/0 for a month and then take them on a sunny windowsill . . . will they start to flower , and most important - will they finish the flowering ? Hypothetically , after 30-40 days the days will be 11 hours long , a month after that will reach 12 + hours / / / so . . . I'm just wondering is that possible.I'm asking because a friend of mine told me that the previous year he was gettin bud in May (the plant was moved to the sunny balcony), while he started from seed in Jan/Feb . Any replies will be helpful , thank you in advance and have happy new grow ! :) \\.//


Im no expert at outdoor (or indoor for that matter), but I think if you try to flower while at the same time increasing the amount of light everyday, youll have a problem. Thats why people plant outdoors in the spring (days getting longer) and then harvest in the fall/winter (days getting shorter). Just my 2 cents.