What if....


Active Member
I was two weeks into flowering and had to stick my plant outside for a few days due to a security scare. While outside the flowers that had formed were eaten off by some sort of animal. The tops of the plants and around 60 percent of the flowers on the stalk were torn off though the stems themselves were mostly saved.

I have moved it back inside but was wondering how this will effect the long term. Will this plant turn hermi? Will I still be able to get a decent yield?


If you'r buds were eaten or torn off dude then u have to cut them off because they will start to rot and destroy your plant!!! That really sucks man try to salvage it buy cutting off the eaten ones


Active Member
The buds were already torn off. Not sure what tearing the rest of them off will accomplish. I have trimmed off all of the leaves or small buds that were partially torn off since they were already starting to wilt. Any other opinions on what will happen?

P.S. I am a chick.


Active Member
Plants are amazingly resilient. I have revegged plants, and produced a second harvest by cutting off the plant and leaving only the very lowest flowering branches, and returning plant to 18/6 light cycle. The flowers seem to come apart and become new top branches as plant vegs for a second time. This is a great way to re-harvest a favorite plant.

Are you sure the damage was done by an animal? Most animals ( insects excepted ) aren't very interested in eating buds, but a neighborhood kid tearing up your plant in a spur of the moment opportunity while your plant was outside could be very possible. Just a thought.


Active Member
Plants are amazingly resilient. I have revegged plants, and produced a second harvest by cutting off the plant and leaving only the very lowest flowering branches, and returning plant to 18/6 light cycle. The flowers seem to come apart and become new top branches as plant vegs for a second time. This is a great way to re-harvest a favorite plant.

Are you sure the damage was done by an animal? Most animals ( insects excepted ) aren't very interested in eating buds, but a neighborhood kid tearing up your plant in a spur of the moment opportunity while your plant was outside could be very possible. Just a thought.
Depends on where she lives I suppose. It could have been deer if there is some in your area.


Well-Known Member
it will cut way in to the amount you can harvest, best bet would be to reveg for a few weeks then flower again, i know it sets you back on time but its better than getting a few small buds for all the work you put in already