What if you didn't fertilize your outdoor babies ?????


Well-Known Member
My giant G13 monsters just got ripped :( So this has me thinking different strategies for next year.

If I was not to fertilize how much reduced yield would that cause? Or maybe I should ask how much of an increase in yield does fertilizer create ?

This plant must have been grown many times without fertilizer, so what can I expect?

Thanks for your sharing your experience and expertise with me :)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm .... so not to fertilize, is not an option. How did growers manage in the olden days when fertilizer wasn't available to them?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm .... so not to fertilize, is not an option. How did growers manage in the olden days when fertilizer wasn't available to them?
actually there pretty much were not days where we didn't have fertilizer.

it was merely the fact that some were smart/knowledgeable enough to know what to use, most were not.

now we all kow if you want to grow good cannabis and lots of it you have to fertilize...

we're talkin manures, plant extracts, etc. these things aren't new to the past 20 years, they've existed for decades. probably even centuries.

so, I say to avoid getting ripped off, you gotta have your plants in a good spot, not in open daylight like you had before, cannabis grows great under indirect sunlight, so I'd highly recommend you find a canopied area next year (might give you more bug probs tho)


I just got threw my first outdoor / first soil grow, Always been a indoor hydro grower. I put 7 hindu kush out in july at about 6inch hight. 1 died 2 others were male. I only visited 3 times threw out the season, first time to pull the males, second time I gave each plant half a galon of water, and 3rd time was to chop them down this weekend. To be honest you will not be very happy with the size if you did what i did, you need alot more plants. But since I put in zero effort into them im happy with what I go. should be around a elbow combined and dry.