What if the world was ending.


Well-Known Member
Ok...I'm pretty baked and was thinking about what would happen if an asteroid was to hit the planet.Would the governments keep it to themselves or would they tell us. If they told us I think the economy would be fucked as no one would care anymore if they paid their bills. Also no one would care about a lot of shit....pretty fucked up situation.


Well-Known Member
probably wouldnt tell us, i'm sure we'd find out eventually before it hit but not like it would matter.


Ursus marijanus
Ok...I'm pretty baked and was thinking about what would happen if an asteroid was to hit the planet.Would the governments keep it to themselves or would they tell us. If they told us I think the economy would be fucked as no one would care anymore if they paid their bills. Also no one would care about a lot of shit....pretty fucked up situation.
It would hardly matter. An asteroid smaller than the Dinosaur Killer could come within hours of the earth and nobody would know. Even if we had a week's warning, what could anyone do? We'd need a warning of some years combined with a certainty of an impact to get the nations together and build an Orion-class craft that could then use its drive nukes to nudge the rock off course. cn



Well-Known Member
It would hardly matter. An asteroid smaller than the Dinosaur Killer could come within hours of the earth and nobody would know. Even if we had a week's warning, what could anyone do? We'd need a warning of some years combined with a certainty of an impact to get the nations together and build an Orion-class craft that could then use its drive nukes to nudge the rock off course. cn

I don't know that they would need or use nukes... it would depend on the compositon of the asteroid... if anything they would try to slam into it and knock it off course... at least that's what I saw on tv one time... but what do I know. stay high


Well-Known Member
It would hardly matter. An asteroid smaller than the Dinosaur Killer could come within hours of the earth and nobody would know. Even if we had a week's warning, what could anyone do? We'd need a warning of some years combined with a certainty of an impact to get the nations together and build an Orion-class craft that could then use its drive nukes to nudge the rock off course. cn

But what if it was fricken huge....and they knew a couple years ahead of time.I don't think they would tell us because they know that it would be a free for all.Not that it will matter but....


Ursus marijanus
I don't know that they would need or use nukes... it would depend on the compositon of the asteroid... if anything they would try to slam into it and knock it off course... at least that's what I saw on tv one time... but what do I know. stay high
Well, if you have an asteroid a coupla miles in diameter, you need joules. Only way to carry enough into space is to build a 5000-ton spaceship (Orion would be that!) and carry lots and lots of thermonukes (as missiles with some propulsion and guidance ... generate a safe standoff, lol) and set one off after the other, not quite in front, like performing a pool shot.

Until we have extensive space-based outposts watching in radar, infrared and visual parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, we'll miss the smaller ones unless/until they smack the planet in the face. Tere's great value in going into space, but by goodness we need better propulsion technology than chemical reaction engines! cn


Well-Known Member
9/10 adults right now definitely know not to fuck around when it comes to asteroids


Ursus marijanus
But what if it was fricken huge....and they knew a couple years ahead of time.I don't think they would tell us because they know that it would be a free for all.Not that it will matter but....
Most comets are found by amateur astronomers out there with really cool specialist telescopes. They would very definitely spot something huge, and it'd be all over the web. I have a pretty nice telescope,and I'd be able to track a Dinosaur Killer out to about fifty million miles out, once the hardcore optics geeks did the finding. The Internet would pretty much prevent such a thing from being entirely suppressed, and unlike ancient aliens or political conspiracy theory, the verification would be within reach of folks like this guy.



Well-Known Member
there is one out there right now that could hit us in 2036 i think. its suppose to be able to fit in the rose bowl an come closer than satellites orbit.


Ursus marijanus
there is one out there right now that could hit us in 2036 i think. its suppose to be able to fit in the rose bowl an come closer than satellites orbit.
That would be the object known as 99942 Apophis. It's about 900 feet in diameter, and estimated impact energy would be around 500megatons, so 10x the biggest thermonuke tested in atmosphere. If it struck near a developed coastline, deaths would be in the tens of millions, but the disaster would be regional, not global. If the global warming folks are right, we'll get much more damage to society from the next century's sea level rise. cn



Well-Known Member
Most comets are found by amateur astronomers out there with really cool specialist telescopes. They would very definitely spot something huge, and it'd be all over the web. I have a pretty nice telescope,and I'd be able to track a Dinosaur Killer out to about fifty million miles out, once the hardcore optics geeks did the finding. The Internet would pretty much prevent such a thing from being entirely suppressed, and unlike ancient aliens or political conspiracy theory, the verification would be within reach of folks like this guy.

you probably get a sweet view where youre at... no light polution whatsoever

i think your right though.. someone will definitely spot it and throw it online fast


Well-Known Member
yea my man neil tyson was talkin about it an said it should or what they guess its gonna hit in the pacific like 300 miles west of santa cruz. cali's gonna get pooped on via multiple tidal waves.


Ursus marijanus
you probably get a sweet view where youre at... no light polution whatsoever

i think your right though.. someone will definitely spot it and throw it online fast
Sadly irl the skies here in the 'Stan have gone straight into the diaper. Ten years ago it was good and dark, but the development locally and in CA's Great Central Cesspit have ruined it. I'm looking for a place to live and would like to have dark skies again ... but don't think i can afford it. Shame. The starry skies are a lasting source of spiritual comfort/solace for me. cn


Well-Known Member
yea my man neil tyson was talkin about it an said it should or what they guess its gonna hit in the pacific like 300 miles west of santa cruz. cali's gonna get pooped on via multiple tidal waves.
yeah calis doomed if that happens.. hopefully its after harvest for you guys :-o


Well-Known Member
Sadly irl the skies here in the 'Stan have gone straight into the diaper. Ten years ago it was good and dark, but the development locally and in CA's Great Central Cesspit have ruined it. I'm looking for a place to live and would like to have dark skies again ... but don't think i can afford it. Shame. The starry skies are a lasting source of spiritual comfort/solace for me. cn
im the same way, i live in a city-ish area now... i love being in the middle nowhere.. just peaceful


Ursus marijanus
Current estimates of it actually hitting Earth are estimated as less than one in a quarter million. The projected impact track (see Wiki link above) makes an impact near the CA shore unlikely even if it hits. But I'll bet there'd be some hardcore surfers hanging out a few miles outside the usual break ... cn



Well-Known Member
Current estimates of it actually hitting Earth are estimated as less than one in a quarter million. The projected impact track (see Wiki link above) makes an impact near the CA shore unlikely even if it hits. But I'll bet there'd be some hardcore surfers hanging out a few miles outside the usual break ... cn

Crap...I live near the shore...lets hope the mountains I'm in keep me safe.....lol...


Well-Known Member
well thats a good thing then. [FONT=arial, sans-serif]i guess what i saw was from a few years ago cause i was thinkin that thing had a bigger chance of [/FONT]poopin on us an i was kinda glad it was gonna wipe out all them rich snobs houses an shit on that side of cali. im sure nobody would die cause we see that sum bitch comin already. i thought it was bigger than what it is too.