what if i harvest with clear trichs?


where i live the smell is getting outside and everywhere, people are getting abit watchy would i still get a good high if the trichs are still clear, growing 2 white widows any help appriciated.


Well-Known Member
Right around there yea. Anywhere from Nothing - A shit High!

If you can wait it out it will be well worth it! Wait for them milky trichs...

If you gotta chop early... Make hash or butter much better use of immature weed...

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
No and imo I would either buy a carbon air scrubber or buy the stuff to build it your self. If you don't have any kind of order control get some.
I'm using a boxfan with a carbon filter for a furnace taped over the back of it and can't smell anything off of the 5 plants in my closet. It cost about 30$ in material off of amazon. It's a good idea if one is on a budget. Most people who come over now actually do comment on the "chemical scrub" smell they get when they walk in.


Well-Known Member
Lol it will give u a headache and a "i wish I would of let it go longer feeling". Trust me all that hard work will pay off if u just have patience