What I should Have Done - Diary of a Procrastinator


Well-Known Member
I got out of bed at 7-ish this morning because I have stuff I need to do.
The most important thing is to go downtown and sort out what we call in Queensland, Australia, a SPER debt.
It works like this. If you fail to vote, or get fined for speeding or some other minor offence, you get fined. If you don't pay the fine within 28 days, it is transfered to SPER who then record it against your name. If you have an unpaid SPER debt, they can suspend your driver's licence and prevent you from registering a car. I have a SPER debt from a number of past 'transgressions' totalling nearly $900. Now, I can go and make a phone call and set up a repayment scheme and in a couple of days I can get my licence back and can register a vehicle in my name.

Now, I need to get this done within the next two weeks so that I can travel 1000 odd kilometres to buy a Kombi that I've got my eye on. I also need to buy this fully eqipped camper trailer as well. I NEED to get these things in the next two weeks because our lease runs out then and we have committed to buying a 'mobile domicile' of some sort.

You would think that would motivate me seeing as I got up early..:sleep:.

...well, I got up, peed, had a mouthful of coffee that Ph03nix made me (as she does every morning my sweet lady), then had a few cones as normal.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Then I stripped the bed and put the sheets in the wash
Had more conesbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Then I started on some dishes
had more conesbongsmiliebongsmilie
then we tested the bud with the lemon rind infusion-yummbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
had more conesbongsmiliebongsmilie
Then I went looking for something
had more cones and coffeebongsmiliebongsmilie
Then I hung some clothes and put another load on
more conesbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Then i did something else
more cones and coffeebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Then Ph03nix showed me some threads on RIU
Then I got on RIU and had more cones and coffee...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
I am still here...it is 3:00pm.

I'll do it tomorrow...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
What? you get fined for failing to vote? Bupkiss, that sounds like a right to me...


Well-Known Member
What? you get fined for failing to vote? Bupkiss, that sounds like a right to me...
Voting is compulsory in Australia. Failing to vote gets you a $75 fine. With SPERS adding a 'late fee', it adds up to $121.50

SPERS is a govt department, so they are 'all powerful'. I could ignore the six different fines I have, but I can't get a licence until I agree to pay them back. They basically have this in place so they can grab you by the balls. Even parking tickets get passed on to SPER if they're not paid.

I have a 'fail to notify change of address' fine that was only $10. It is now $56.50 and they can use that alone to prevent me getting my licence renewed.

It's all my fault for being too much of a procrastinator to get around to paying them in the first place. But it's also a proper pain in the arse having to do all the paperwork now.


Well-Known Member
FAAARK!!! It's Friday afternoon and I still haven't done this. Fukkit, I'll pay it all online Monday morning, then I'll go straight to the Tpt Dept with my receipt and get my licence back...
...right after I have another cone...

I got out of bed at 7-ish this morning because I have stuff I need to do.
The most important thing is to go downtown and sort out what we call in Queensland, Australia, a SPER debt.
It works like this. If you fail to vote, or get fined for speeding or some other minor offence, you get fined. If you don't pay the fine within 28 days, it is transfered to SPER who then record it against your name. If you have an unpaid SPER debt, they can suspend your driver's licence and prevent you from registering a car. I have a SPER debt from a number of past 'transgressions' totalling nearly $900. Now, I can go and make a phone call and set up a repayment scheme and in a couple of days I can get my licence back and can register a vehicle in my name.

Now, I need to get this done within the next two weeks so that I can travel 1000 odd kilometres to buy a Kombi that I've got my eye on. I also need to buy this fully eqipped camper trailer as well. I NEED to get these things in the next two weeks because our lease runs out then and we have committed to buying a 'mobile domicile' of some sort.

You would think that would motivate me seeing as I got up early..:sleep:.


I am still here...it is 3:00pm.

I'll do it tomorrow...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie