What have you done to cover up the fact that your high?


Active Member
sorry if the thread is old but...one time i was smoking in my basement and my mom came down so i stashed the stuff, sprayed some axe and pulled over my hoodie. she asked me why it smellt like axe, i said it was to cover up this rotten apple i found in the garbage. she asked why my eyes were red, i told her i was watching tv with no lights on. another time i actually convinced her that my new axe had that smell


The best way to cover up that you're high... is to be completely baked the first time you meet people. Then they just think you look like that 24/7


Active Member
My rule is always be high...Esspecially if its something like a job interview or meeting someone for the first time. Then they are always used to it...So get up everyday first thing and smoke a session of bong tokes and call it good. When your not high people will think something is wrong.
haha thats the same exact way i think!!


changed my contac lenses so i have a legit reason for red eyes..... its been a while though... dont hide it anymore


Active Member
just had a new way...when i smoke, i go to the bathroom. then, towel the door and smoke, before i leave i turn on fan and spray lisol or watever and wash my hands...gives a legit reason for everything


Well-Known Member
i would just say i stayed up late or couldnt sleep last night or a looong day. maybe a hike or something, but either way, when i really go on hikes we smoke weed. so eh tomato tomato


Well-Known Member
The last time my mom asked me why I smelled like pot, I told her that I smelled like it because I smoke it.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I prefer to stay away from people when I'm baked...I usually do it before bed, but if I do it earlier I just make sure I'm away from my parents or that I'm with other mates who are stoned as well


Well-Known Member
splash of collogne, some gum and some Visine-A. I use the Visine Allergy for two reasons, It works really good and If a cop finds it Ill be like I have bad allergies but mainly cuz it works really good.