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Well-Known Member
im sure other people will have better tip 4 you but when my plants were gettin ate up i put it in the ground and planted lots of marigolds around it that helped out alot you can get them at any garden store for like $1 each

hope i helped you out some


Active Member
yea i got the same problem as you on my babies it looks like you have 2 different bugs going on there the outside chews look as if to be leaf hoppers/ grasshoppers / and possible snails/slugs/caterpillers, i would most likely say they are grass and or leaf hoppers bites which you can combat by using garlic/water , pepper/water , neem oil, as for the little holes in the leaves that im not to sure of but i might say aphids or something along those lines which are next to impossible to get rid of you can just limit soap/water works for them as well as hoppers, hope that helped some good luck


Treat them with Neem Oil every two weeks, this should take care of most pests and problems. You can use this all the way until harvest as well since it is organic