What have I got???? Help please

Black 1000

Active Member
I have been watching very carefully. I sometimes think to carefully and I'm driving myself nuts. I have 7 total but a couple I think have hermed. help identify please? I am trying to upload pics. Hveing problems uploading but I am seeing baals and hairs. I started 12 12 last week sorry no pics


Well-Known Member
Just from ur discription, I'd say u got urself a hermi or two. U want to see HAIRS not balls. If it lookes like a seed then it probobly is. A female will show nothing but beautiful white hairs


Well-Known Member
yep balls kill it hairs keep it if it has both kill it lol
Murders, hey, just cause you got males and hermies, dont mean you just kill em off, that is soil, nutes, and time spent all for naught. How bout grow em up and use the males and hermies for hash, oil, or maybe butter. What a waste.


Well-Known Member
how could potency be the same? I mean u'd be smokin seeds man! All u'd get would be a headache. I'm talkin for smokin though. If u were to keep the males, it might not be a total loss inthem ans u COULD hash from them. On the other hand, u would need to separate them complaetely fro the other girls, even the smallest bit of pollwn can ruuin a whole crop. I wouldn't even grow males in the same area code i had my girls in, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Males do not have as much THC as females, and if you grew them out with your females your going to lose a lot of bud because of all the fuckin seeds in it. :roll:


Well-Known Member
ARRRHHHGGG!!! What a buncho dumb butts, Any grower knows males should be grown up away from the girls, Think outside o the box. Even if the potency is not the same as the girls, they still have some. I'm just saying make use of it. You people just want to show just how little your brains are. Yer heads have been in the smoke tooooo long. What a wasteful generation coming up. I swear!


Well-Known Member
ARRRHHHGGG!!! What a buncho dumb butts, Any grower knows males should be grown up away from the girls, Think outside o the box. Even if the potency is not the same as the girls, they still have some. I'm just saying make use of it. You people just want to show just how little your brains are. Yer heads have been in the smoke tooooo long. What a wasteful generation coming up. I swear!

....Just like any grower knows not to use tin foil for reflection? Or that u can use a full blown hps setup throught vegging as well as flowering? How bout switching to 12/12? Look man, no ones showin how little or how big anyone's brain is. Imo, why would u grow something that could put u in prison for a long long time if u knew there would be nothing to come of it, I'm talkin buds man, males just ruin that. Even though they could be salvaged into something else in the end such as hash or whatever else u choose to do with the boys, I would'nt grow males in the same area code as any of my fems. All I'm sayin, is if ur growin the shit to smoke it, toss the males and save those sweet sweet female nugs.


Well-Known Member
ARRRHHHGGG!!! What a buncho dumb butts, Any grower knows males should be grown up away from the girls, Think outside o the box. Even if the potency is not the same as the girls, they still have some. I'm just saying make use of it. You people just want to show just how little your brains are. Yer heads have been in the smoke tooooo long. What a wasteful generation coming up. I swear!
LMAO, you say that throwing the males away is a waist of the time and money you spent to grow them, well I say setting up another room just to grow them out is a waist of my money and time. With that same time and money I could be using that equipment to veg clones from the females that I kept. You can insult us all you want, that doesn't make you anymore intelligent.


Well-Known Member
You guys just aren't thinking outside the box. Re-read your own posts. No one in thier right mind would do anything with a male but put the thing outside. of the box? no, your grow area? yes, OUTSIDE, let nature take its course. You dont do anything more with them but harvest when you see fit. Geez, take the blinders off. Use your imagination. You had to grow them for a period to find out they were males. You've already wasted time and money on them. I'm saying get something, ANYTHING in return for them. I do this, so i dont feel im loosing anything, I always gain from everything I grow. Peace, and sorry ya'll take offense for being wasteful.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone can put plants outside of their grow area, if I did this then they would freeze in a few minutes. I dont mind losing the 75 cents worth of dirt and fert they used, personally I don't see it as being wasteful.

People have different opinions on what is wastefull and what is not, I think it's wasteful when I see someone watering their lawn they obviously don't. I'm not going to tell them they are an idiot because my opinion is different, it is their money not mine.

Not even entertaining the thought of risking them pollinating my females is worth more than the cost of dirt, light, and seeds to me it may not be worth it to you, but it is to me. Everone has their own way of doing things, just because mine is different than yours does not make me stupid, so get off your fuckin high horse.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone can put plants outside of their grow area, if I did this then they would freeze in a few minutes. I dont mind losing the 75 cents worth of dirt and fert they used, personally I don't see it as being wasteful.

People have different opinions on what is wastefull and what is not, I think it's wasteful when I see someone watering their lawn they obviously don't. I'm not going to tell them they are an idiot because my opinion is different, it is their money not mine.

Not even entertaining the thought of risking them pollinating my females is worth more than the cost of dirt, light, and seeds to me it may not be worth it to you, but it is to me. Everone has their own way of doing things, just because mine is different than yours does not make me stupid, so get off your fuckin high horse.

Im with this guy^^