What has happened to my plants? Help me ASAP!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Take one of those pots and turn it upside down oiver your other hand and plop it out into your hand and take a pictures. Then just place it back into the pot. Then someone will give you the real million dollar answer.


Well-Known Member
Probably right on that one, mine doesn't either, the vegetation usually droops, not the whole plant.


Active Member
I appreciate all the help guys. True it was contradicting advice, overwatering, yet still underwatering. I raised them on hose water which seemed fine, i recently switched the pots and soil, they were fine for about 2 days then this happened. As i said the top layer of soil was very crusty and the leaves had mineral residue on them.

I pulled the plug on them last night.

This was my first grow, i know i did some things wrong but now that i have the majority of supplies and better knowledge the next one will hopefully go better.
One thing I messed up was using miracle grow potting soil, another was changing up the lighting cycle and probably the nail in the coffin was the tap water.

My brother just got his medicinal permit so I'll be getting some clones/seeds from the dispensary in the next few weeks, which I will take much more seriously. In all I only have spent about $50 on this so its no huge loss.
I look at this like when breaking a glass pipe, sure you've broken a companion, but now you get to go get a new one!


New Member
I don't like soil with added nutes in it. I like my soil plain so I can control what is added and when.

I like miracle grow plant foods, but not miracle grow soil. Not every plant likes the same soil conditions so I just don't trust it.

I would really try to complete a grow before you go spending big money on dispensary clones and seeds. It'll suck of your $100 plants fail.

Good luck with your future growing endeavors.


Active Member
In that second picture, that soil looks BONE DRY. You sure you watered it with in a few days of that photo? You been hiting the Chronic? I think it needs water.

If you gave me those plants, I would fill the sink with PH'd water and sit those plants in that water for about 15 minutes. Then not water them for about 3-4 days.

I been smokin that chronic like a chimney, however Im positive they had been watered no more than 1.5 days apart. I live in colorado where there is no humidity, so my soil drys out very quickly.
Regardless, they're past the point of no return (or so i think, if you guys think they are savable let me know and ill do whatever, the leaves are so brown and curled up I figure theyre gone.)


Active Member
so ur high all the time lol. seriously though...what do all of you guys think about elevation. im from the midwest so really have no idea. i know the oxygen and co2 levels are different which could majorly affect the plants if not corrected.


Active Member
Pulled them today. Heres how they look. Soaking in water for a few minutes.
Come on guys, just tell me to move on and get over it.

does it have a snowballs chance in hell of surviving?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Hard to say if it is root rot from that photo seeing as all roots when taken out from the dirt seem to be brown. What do they feel like? Are they slimmy? What do they smell like? Do they smell like Rotting Death?

I would say a Snow Balls Chance is Pheonix Arizona.
I would just walk away myself. But that is just me.


Well-Known Member
i would take your $80 from slots & invest in a ph meter (or test kit w/ drops) & a light timer. A cheap timer will run you about $10 and a Ph meter about $20 (cheaper if you get the kit w/ drops). good luck!