What Happens When Your House Gets Raided?


Well-Known Member
If you own a house and your house gets raided by the rcmp, what happens to your house?? does your house get taken away???


Active Member
I hardly doubt it anymore, unless you're using the house for that sole purpose I wouldnt worrry about something that dramatic happening. What I mean is every room in house being used for growing, 1000's of watts of electricity and what not. I know a few ppl who have grown in their home and been busted, (by the same snitch) the worst the one got was s short stay in jail and some hefty fines and probation, and he had a record and certainly was no angel, he was busted grown twice prior, outdoors but growing is growing.


Well-Known Member
hmmm, you dont think growing 10-15 plants in your basement would get you anything to crazy serious???


Well-Known Member
Biggest thing that fucks people is when they also happen to have a bunch of other illegal stuff just laying around. Couple stolen guns, bag of mushrooms that you weren't even selling, scales, bags, few bottles of crap pills, pipes, computer with growing sites in the history... just stuff that was laying around can now all be separate charges if the prosecutor wants to be a dick.


You in BC too nice.!
10-15 plants they wont do fk all but take ur shit & leave..

But I'd suggest not having scales baggies & anything to make them think your gonna sell the weed around anywhere close to the house..
If you say its personal use they don't do much
I think if your caught with anything over 7 plants they wont even give you a fine


Well-Known Member
Just keep your mouth shut about it. And don't hang out at hydro shops. I think buying online is way safer when you use a IP proxy. Most Ebay purchases for nutes and what not are mailed in plain none incriminating seller address. And your bank account just shows up as a Paypal purchas nothing else.How much power you using? Can't be that much. And when your growing be aware of your electricity and shut room lights off and get good thermostats for furnace/AC. Be green and grow green.
Ps If you can send other than your place do it. I am saying this cause who knows what your mail man does when driving in his truck I don't trust anyone so I am always careful. Even being legal they can fuck with you and put you in the system.


Undercover Mod
I don't know about BC but here the Federal government can seize any property used in the commission of a felony. (like growing mary jane illegally in your house)


Active Member
If you own a house and your house gets raided by the rcmp, what happens to your house?? does your house get taken away???
im new to the site but ive bn raided a couple times(not proud of it)but i had far worse than 15 plants(not weed) n they didnt take my house,a friend of mine just got caught with 27 LBS n his boy had 23(who he got it from)they didnt take his house either but he got 2 yrs in prison tho.he sold 10 lbs to n informant. i would b more worried about that.Just dont tell any1 n u'll b ok p.s i live in ohio


Well-Known Member
Hate to say it, but this is a big reason to pay off as little as you can on your mortgage. No equity = nothing to seize and the bank is probably going to reclaim the house anyway since it's hard to pay a mortgage in jail (generally)

Best things to do with drug money are hide it and pay off debt.


Well-Known Member
i didnt think so. i mean im not some hardocre threat to society H.A motherfucker. I just want to have a little hobby garden in my basement.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
If you own a house and your house gets raided by the rcmp, what happens to your house?? does your house get taken away???
pending on what state u live in..they can seize you bank account, take your home, cars tell the case is over...


Well-Known Member
ya i know they "CAN" do all that stuff, i been looking at parliament website and what not. I'm just kinda figuring for one, i live in canada. I know the laws arent as strict here. For 2, i live in BC which is the bud capital of canada and not only bc but the okanagan where im pretty sure are the highest number of growers in such a dense area. And im pretty sure weed has been decriminalized here. of course production and trafficking are still illegal but i mean i'm not trying to produce mass amounts.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ya i know they "CAN" do all that stuff, i been looking at parliament website and what not. I'm just kinda figuring for one, i live in canada. I know the laws arent as strict here. For 2, i live in BC which is the bud capital of canada and not only bc but the okanagan where im pretty sure are the highest number of growers in such a dense area. And im pretty sure weed has been decriminalized here. of course production and trafficking are still illegal but i mean i'm not trying to produce mass amounts.
i would hope to think that if a person wanted to grow 1 or 2 plants for there own personal use and the cops can not prove you are trafficing or selling, then one would be OK...


Well-Known Member
lol would LOOOOOVE to think that but something tells me that sometimes cops and judges can be complete dicks at times. However 2 weeks ago my buddy got pulled over with a QP in the back of his truck and the cop just took it and all my buddy got was a speeding ticket. Pretty sure the cop saw the H.A support shirts and was taking a taxation


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
lol would LOOOOOVE to think that but something tells me that sometimes cops and judges can be complete dicks at times. However 2 weeks ago my buddy got pulled over with a QP in the back of his truck and the cop just took it and all my buddy got was a speeding ticket. Pretty sure the cop saw the H.A support shirts and was taking a taxation
yep iv had dirty cops just take my smoke and pot back in my younger days.