What happens to Spectrum when we dim our lights?

Real classy, come into a thread and talk like a real Asshat to the OP???:roll:
Ya, your really lifting this section up......NOT
More like fueling the Fire :fire:
Personally I could give a fuck, I have "been lifting" since 2013, while you CONSTANTLY fucking bitch about irrelevant concepts in a pissing match with LED. That is the only reason you have some reason to come out me, when I could care fucking less about your presence, now do I?

Know how I you tell, you weren't tagged or being responded to.

So then.....
You fuck off ass hat it's my fucking thread lol
so nothing short of proper rebuttal, why do you defend innacurate claims? hyperbolic name calling notwithstanding......aren't you the bigger problem you ascribe to describe? just wondering if you realize this.....
so nothing short of proper rebuttal, why do you defend innacurate claims? hyperbolic name calling notwithstanding......aren't you the bigger problem you ascribe to describe? just wondering if you realize this.....
...... ..... ........... .... <---condense you feeble musing to these dots alone and you'll be more well liked, more respected and less reviled than you are now.
It's a public forum.

Know how I you tell, you weren't tagged or being responded to.

So then.....

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so nothing short of proper rebuttal, why do you defend innacurate claims? hyperbolic name calling notwithstanding......aren't you the bigger problem you ascribe to describe? just wondering if you realize this.....
Where did he defend anyone's inaccurate claims? He did nothing of the sort. He simply said to keep the ideas flowing.

Go away expect to be called. Yes you are fighting. You never noticed I never stated an exact drive current on purpose so no wrong information was given. You are just looking for a reason to fight so go away you are misinformed as usual. Now you have been called out BG. Make it personal I put you back on ignore because you do ignorant so well.
Go shadow box

then this one .....keep the ideas flowing as we brush past actually answering the question.....How does that keep idea flowing, lol....Making it seem rather ignorant to the above post which never corrected what the original bullshit claim was... is that hard to think about it?...Hint: re-feed

Where did he defend anyone's inaccurate claims? He did nothing of the sort. He simply said to keep the ideas flowing.

.......there to used to lots of great minds around here, more thinking less indoctrination

Please stop ripping off other people ideas, then getting pissy when people are calling out the broken math problems being used.
@nfhiggs show us the math then, if he is correct? Why is that so fucking hard?

then this one .....keep the ideas flowing as we brush past actually answering the question.....How does that keep idea flowing, lol....Making it seem rather ignorant to the above post which never corrected what the original bullshit claim was... is that hard to think about it?...Hint: re-feed

.......there to used to lots of great minds around here, more thinking less indoctrination

Please stop ripping off other people ideas, then getting pissy when people are calling out the broken math problems being used.
@nfhiggs show us the math then, if he is correct? Why is that so fucking hard?
Evils post was not a reply to VWs. It was not a reply to ANY particular post. He said, and I quote "Lots of good conversation guys let's keep on topic and keep the ideas and relevant info flowing"

Last week you were trying to tell us your extensive knowledge on LED growing, hell growing any cannabis at all. Love being followed around Rollitup by a young inexperienced cop. Where is one of your imbecilic hyperbolic rants, that.....tadah! has nothing to do with anything? Please indulge the elucidations.....are you going to correct the math problem too?

Can you even tell me the equation for watts? you come off as Ultra Newb, dude.
Evils post was not a reply to VWs. It was not a reply to ANY particular post. He said, and I quote "Lots of good conversation guys let's keep on topic and keep the ideas and relevant info flowing"
See there you go again....another talking head....considering they were so adamant about this being "their" thread and now a post in that thread, isn't about that thread.

Give me the math, instead of the hyperbole.
See there you go again....another talking head....considering they were so adamant about this being "their" thread and now a post in that thread, isn't about that thread.

Give me the math, instead of the hyperbole.
Get it from VW, he's the one that threw the nonsense out there, not me, dumbass.
See there you go again....another talking head....considering they were so adamant about this being "their" thread and now a post in that thread, isn't about that thread.

Give me the math, instead of the hyperbole.

I really feel sorry for you that you're so miserable with your life that you have nothing better to do than go into countless threads and shit all over them. What a sad existence lol............
Also reading thru the latest flame war, this bullshit again, is nobody here interested in the statement about leds spectrum apparently change towards red the higher you hang it as stated in the first few msgs? That to me seems like fertile conversation, at least to figure out why he got this result. People with fancy light meters have you experienced something similar?
Last week you were trying to tell us your extensive knowledge on LED growing, hell growing any cannabis at all. Love being followed around Rollitup by a young inexperienced cop. Where is one of your imbecilic hyperbolic rants, that.....tadah! has nothing to do with anything? Please indulge the elucidations.....are you going to correct the math problem to Can you even tell me the equation for watts? you come off as Ultra Newb, dude.

...... ..... ........... .... <---condense you feeble musing to these dots alone and you'll be more well liked, more respected and less reviled than you are now.