What happens if water is left for a month in a tub ?


Well-Known Member
I've had 200 Liters of phd water sitting in a tub for 1 month and haven't put any air/water pump in it to circulate the water ...
Was wondering if the water is still good for watering plants ?
If it wasn't pastuized with a air tight seal. Boil it and take a hot bath. Or just dump it. It inst good for plants. But not a waste if you can wash a car or something with it. I like the bath idea. Haven't had a relaxing bath in years. Yes I shower so don't start. Lol
It's not an actual tub... its a 200L black plastic barrel looking thing it had no lid on it ... but! was on the balcony ... its cold outside like 0 celcius and it din't frees ?
What about just to do the first watering with ? like when u fill up the promix and need to rinse the mix ?
It doesn't look gross ... its clear and din't have weird shit floating on top lol
Water sitting outside for 30 days and no lid and your askin if its good? IMO no I wouldn't trust that, but I don't trust much with my ladies as they are expensive to grow and wouldn't bet anything but the best on them. Technically water sitting for over 12 hours without movement or circulation is stagnant, the only thing that would possibly save that water is he temp and even at that I wouldn't trust it but that's me and my op would hate to have a whole run of my hard work go to shit over some water.
If you are dying to use it you could put a few drops of bleach in it, a very small amount of bleach can clean a large amount of water. If it has been hovering around freezing like you said, there probably wasnt much bacterial growth in there anyways (unless it was a dirty ass barrel to begin with) :)