What happens if I never cut it down?


Active Member
I have been reading alot about growing recently, but no onw has talked about what happens if you don't cut an in-door plant down. I mean if I just cut off the buds as they mature and leave the plant will it start to flower again? Or do you have to cut it down and start over everytime? It seems very time consuming if that is the case.


Well-Known Member
You can cut of the majority of the buds, but you need to leave some bud on the plant and revert it back to veg before you can flower it again.


Well-Known Member
it's a germination thing, but if you have any luck, give me a PM, I was thinking about doing the same.


Active Member
You can cut of the majority of the buds, but you need to leave some bud on the plant and revert it back to veg before you can flower it again.
Thank you for the info, but how would I get it back to vegatation growth after cutting the majority of the buds? Is it as simple as changing the lights back to a longer cycle and using vegetative nutes? I am still a long ways from this as I only have seedlings, but I always like to know what I am doing well in advance :)


Well-Known Member
yes it is as simple as you put it, but in my opinion, it takes too much time for not enough bud. Try getting clones and vegging them for a short period(1-2 weeks) and immediately flowering, it will give you a lot more weed with a lot less hassle(if done right).


Active Member
i agree with Krypt up there also you will not have the best quality but off it...

another thing that with happenin is it is stressful to the plant could kill is may be quite hard to save it but it can be done just be careful snippin...

good luck let us know how it goes


Well-Known Member
also if you just keep flowering it will go herm and give you femezied pollen thats how alot of companies are makeing they fem seeds


Well-Known Member
You CAN re-veg and re-flower. I've done it. All you do is prune the plant back down to about a foot tall, but leaving a couple of growth tips on the plant. Put it back under 24/0 and in 3 or 4 weeks it'll be ready to re-flower.

But why bother?

In that same time ( or sooner) you could'a taken cuttings from it and had a clone ready to go into flowering when you cut down the original plant.



Active Member
Ok sounds like cloning is the way to go. I think I will forget about trying to revert the plant and just clone it when the time comes. Thank you to every one that replied.