What happened to this site??


Well-Known Member
Been a member of this site for a good bit and a grower for even longer but I've been gone for a little bit and come back to find this site not what it once was.

Once was a place full of nice, mature, knowledgeable growers at one point that would help out and extend to you their knowledge.

Now it seems a big majority of the active users have joined recently this year and are pain in the ass punk trolls and give out completely false information to those looking for help or just don't help at all and post something uncalled for to belittle someone.

I could be wrong but just from some the posts I've come across since being back seem the ol' RIU is the chill place it once was bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I have indeed noticed a trend as well.... And that is the increased amount of bad information being flooded into this forum. A lot of newer growers/members are identifying deficiencies incorrect and passing that along, I wish I didn't see as much of that going on.


Well-Known Member
You are correct in your observation Sik... it is unfortunate, but that is the mentality of the new age... I feel bad for them, a bunch of negativity for no reason at all.


Well-Known Member
agree most people want to be internet kings of growing and argue for arguments sake. There are a good bunch of people still that want to share info and help while being helped just gotta seek em out and ignore the trolls. tougher done than said though as I have found myself arguing, who is really the stupid one in this situation???, with peeps who spend more time on the puter than in the garden which makes me question their ability, knowledge, and intentions. Good luck with your grows and dont let the trolls keep you down


Well-Known Member
I'm relatively new myself...I don't try to give bad info to folks, If I am I wish someone would let me know...I go back through my posts to see if anyone has any contradictory information than mine, but rarely find any. I think I'm doing it right :D


I've found that some of the answers are very snappy. I've never grown anything like this before...plenty of fruit and veg, but certainly not this. I have been reading as much as I can, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to ask questions without a snarky response.


Well-Known Member
I've found that some of the answers are very snappy. I've never grown anything like this before...plenty of fruit and veg, but certainly not this. I have been reading as much as I can, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to ask questions without a snarky response.
Sorry to hear your getting the kind of responses that I'm talking about, I guess best thing is to try and sort out the good guys from the bad and get your information from them. You can gladly PM me anytime with questions and I will try to answer them the best I can or steer you in the right direction at least.


Well glad to see I'm not the only one making these observations but at the same time I wish it wasn't the case. I do see some old names floating around still and some of the newer members are indeed helpful and mature. Just sad that the trolls and misinformation tend to overshadow them.

I hope the best for the younger generations coming up in the world but sometimes the outlook is questionable lol...


New Member


Well-Known Member
LMAO How many threads just like this has there been. -.-

Here's a thread from a few months ago,

Here's one from a few years ago.

It's always been better long ago. x) Just in different ways to different people who notice it at different times. :p
I guess this is true, because I thought this site was alot better back when he posted that second link lol. In general though the entire internets is going down the drain I think, its not just this forum but many of the forums I've been a long time member of and new ones that I got to are all overrun with "trolling" and just ass holes in general. Seems thats the new cool thing to do on the internet, I can see kids going to school and talking to their buddys " Oh man I was such a prick to this one random person on the internet it was so awesome!" lol.


Well-Known Member
there is nothing wrong with this site everyone who gets banned turns up in another guise if they havent got the balls to say they are back, some realy good members fucked off because of the idiots the mods have got to try and control, we cant mod 24/7 but we try our best. and fuck em its the net!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Doh... your right! That spawned the subway posse. Also last december it happened with the synths.

Never ends well from past experience... agreed?


Ursus marijanus
Now I'm new here so I don't have a feel for how the site once was. Other sites to which I belong(ed) have had their pleasantness eroded by ever-more-aggressive trolls. It's like watching evolution in action, and not entirely approving. As an older person who places high value on civilized discourse, I sometimes feel like a dinosaur looking up and grumbling about the consarned comets. cn


Well-Known Member
Now I'm new here so I don't have a feel for how the site once was. Other sites to which I belong(ed) have had their pleasantness eroded by ever-more-aggressive trolls. It's like watching evolution in action, and not entirely approving. As an older person who places high value on civilized discourse, I sometimes feel like a dinosaur looking up and grumbling about the consarned comets. cn
my type of smoker!!!!!!!!!!