What happened to the one million bowls smoked in RIU thread?


Active Member
officially irked :( where's the boys thread? where's the girls thread? where's the ask the person below you anything thread?
yes-chat threads
no- not making the servers crash.
I just think that the mods should put out a very "black and white" PSA or something...


Well-Known Member
nonsense.,.,alot of nice threads are gone.,.,.,i dont see why.,.,.,even if they are chat threads.,.,this a close nit community of grower who im sure all wished we lived on the same block(which would be like lil amsterdam,lol)so we could help each other further with the growth of the herb,ect.,.,.let us talk,let us walk.,.,let us spark,.,.,.a knife a fork,a bottle and a fork.,.,thats the way u spell roll it up man.,., listen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF23L0wLJRE&feature=related


Active Member
I would go in there but I can't get the software for my computer, it just won't let me!!


Active Member
haha I agree about that particular thread but it woulda been cool to log in like 15 yrs or so later and see it had finally made it! lol


Well-Known Member
I'm sad that all the pic threads are gone, but since the guys one's went first, I'm glad the girls ones are gone too.

It's ok, I still have all the pics for my own personal enjoyment :grin:


Active Member
psh it's closed now cus you complained *woop some ass wikid!* lmao
but they delete a guy thread and sticky a girl thread.... where's Fdd?? he needs to come in with my "right answer"


stays relevant.
Psh 260 up, 21 down
An expression used when something is highly unlikely or that the speaker disagrees with.


Active Member
lol it is fair now I was just saying (by the 'psh') that it should've been fair from the beginning