What happened to Naturesgreenremedies?

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
Show some pics bro. I just got a freebie 5pk if this so would set like to see what your getting from these. When the last time you updated your thread too lol :)
I know I know, I have always been the dude who comes in at the end and posts final pics. It is hard for me to stay on the pic posting thing cuz I am a paranoid fuckboi.

But because YOU of all people asked me to do it, I will get you a picture baby. Oh I am drunk too btw so don't take that shit the wrong way, this dude at the collective took it the wrong way when I patted him on the shoulder. He got all homophobic n shit and I was like bro you need to calm it lmfao. Be right back my brotha

King Arthur

Well-Known Member
Show some pics bro. I just got a freebie 5pk if this so would set like to see what your getting from these. When the last time you updated your thread too lol :)
this is the best I can do right now

goji og x gdp

VZM.IMG_20150705_232038 (1).jpg PART_1436163662815_DSC_0041.JPG

I was going through finals and losing a whole tray of clones due to comin in infected. I have a lot of stuff I can photo I just am drunk right now bro
smells like fruity pebbles

to be super honest I am not sure how to turn the geotracking off my new phone so its made me paranoid to post too many pics, I don't want someone thinking I am out of the legal limits.


Well-Known Member
this is the best I can do right now

goji og x gdp

View attachment 3454519 View attachment 3454521

I was going through finals and losing a whole tray of clones due to comin in infected. I have a lot of stuff I can photo I just am drunk right now bro
smells like fruity pebbles

to be super honest I am not sure how to turn the geotracking off my new phone so its made me paranoid to post too many pics, I don't want someone thinking I am out of the legal limits.
What kind of phone you have bro? There's somewhere in settings to change that. Believe me I understand as I have turned that geotracking crap off my iPhone. That's why I never created Instagram cuz of that geotracking. I heard about a dude getting busted like that by police but he was truly a dumb ass but it was the geotracking the lead the police to busting him.

I know your paranoid and all but you should be find posting here as I'm sure there's no police monitoring our moves on here. Everyone is into the social media thing so that's where they would be. If you need help bro turning that crap off let me know I'll help cuz you grow thing hat I don't have and like a lot of the same gear so I would like to see your work more.

Oh the Goji x GDP looks very good. Looks like it's a nice mix between the two and I see some color starting to come in. Looks very good and might be something very good in those beans. Glad I have some :) hope you enjoyed the drinks lol