What happened to my ladies?

hi first time grower...after much reading and consideration this is my setup. This is only temporary as we are constructing a permanent room for the ladies to grow in. Currently they are under 4x 36w 6500k flours @ 3.1k lumens 24/7. We usually water them at least once a day because it seems the soil dries out way to quick. They were growing very tell, standing up to the light and then we didn't water them for one day...and most of them were plopped over...today they are looking better but not all of them...also some of the lower leaves are starting to yellow...is this normal? We are worried we killed them...thanks for looking. Temp is around 76 to 79F, humidity is inbetween 40 ~ 50



Well-Known Member
Hmm, watering everyday is usually not good for the root-system.. You could drown it causing root-rot.
Marijuana plants like to dry out a little bit actually before being watered again, it gives the roots time to stretch to look for more water (promoting growth)

Make sure you check the pH of your water too, you want it to be around neutral or slightly acidic.
Are you giving nutes? If you are, STOP. No nutes for 6 weeks!
We are/were watering 1tb spoon a day, I can understand where you are coming from. After putting my finger into the soil it seems like its drying out (we used organic seed starting jiffy-mix) however sometimes it feels damp. Since we started them off in the jiffy pot its hard to test how wet the water is. The pH of the water we give the plants has been adjusted to 6.8. We gave them nutes one time, that is it. Will do on the stop part!


Well-Known Member
Here's my 2 cents. Looks like a possible over water problem in some pictures. Those little yellow sac's that use to be green, they are nutrient sacs the plant feeds from in it's first 5-10 days. They go yellow when there's no nutrient left in them. If they have gone yellow that quick then either 1. You have NO nutrients in that soil, or 2. Nutrients have been lock'd out due to possible PH problems, over watering, root rot, over fert.