Hi Chiceh..
Its not a matter of how I feel... some WERE thrown.. The Mrs. McG's and some others could just as well be warned in a different manner is my only point... the "regulars" should have gotten some grace...
I've got no dog on either side, but fact is that ALL the people that were banned, weren't deserving and became cannon fodder...thats the opinion of lots, and valid..that whole week got out of control granted.. on both sides.. but it did damage all involved..
Well Twisty, that just goes to show how much they liked it here disrespecting us and such doesn't it? I still can't believe all the fuss over a reminder of the rules, geesh. Can we all get over it and move on with or without them.

Which only goes to the point of supporting a long time friend or RIU member......
Friend, I am sorry, friends don't treat friends the way some have treated each other. As for Lacy, it goes way beyond this issue, we are talking the past year or so and she knows that.
Me too....but I won't turn my back on the powers that be..................