What happened to all the love? RIU spring gathering....

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Well-Known Member
Hello All-
The 4/20 spring gathering thread sure went to hell today. I'm sad that the thread got so polluted and ugly, there sure was a lot of finger pointing going on in there, I'm kinda glad it got shut down. That was not what that thread was about, that thread was about the great experience we had as a community, and re-living that experience again.
As medical 420 users we as a community struggle with the everyday bullshit that gets thrown our way from the general public. They stereo-type us, not understanding the medical side of using Marijuana, but only looking at us as "dopers", and never letting us feel 100% comfortable as we reep the benefits of this amazing plant.
It was nice to be at a place where that "doper" stigma was lifted, and we all felt open and free to medicate and talk openly about what we do.
The Dec 10th BBQ gathering at Camp Far West was a gathering I will not soon forget, and wish to repeat over and over again. Lets not let these RIU gatherings stop. Lets embrace these gatherings and move forward with a 4/20, 4/21, 4/22 gathering and lets all have a great time!
Camp Far west here we come!
treeman a lot of the drama has been deleted from that thread.

It became pretty obvious that we may have dodged a bullet on Dec 10th with the CFW bbq.
I now understand why most of these legendary get togethers are 'private'!

Camp Far West will be hard to top!

We got lots of figuring out to do. I think i am gona hook up with hops this week and possibly the other members soon. Just a curve ball got thrown into the mix. Some of us learned a lot today and we got lots of time to think it over
treeman a lot of the drama has been deleted from that thread.

It became pretty obvious that we may have dodged a bullet on Dec 10th with the CFW bbq.
I now understand why most of these legendary get togethers are 'private'!

Camp Far West will be hard to top!


The tribal leader has spoken! Treeman you otta talk to JJ on the phone get the details. I was almost exposed today and just was not good. I am crossing my fingers this thread last.
I'm glad I got sick and was off the PC for a few days and missed it all! I'm so lucky! see you guys on 420, one way or another! The love is still alive....don't worry.
lol....as far as i could tell it was just some rambling self-centered person thread jackin while some dbags were kissing her toes lol just kiddin.....theres still all kinds of love at RIU....

regarding the dodged bullet.....it only takes one crazy mawfawka to buzz kill a party fo sure lol
I am thinking that we should keep it low key as well. DJJ I will call you tonight. Got into some at home drama last night and couldn't make the call but I will pick your brain about this too. :D
Hello All-
The 4/20 spring gathering thread sure went to hell today. I'm sad that the thread got so polluted and ugly, there sure was a lot of finger pointing going on in there, I'm kinda glad it got shut down. That was not what that thread was about, that thread was about the great experience we had as a community, and re-living that experience again.
As medical 420 users we as a community struggle with the everyday bullshit that gets thrown our way from the general public. They stereo-type us, not understanding the medical side of using Marijuana, but only looking at us as "dopers", and never letting us feel 100% comfortable as we reep the benefits of this amazing plant.
It was nice to be at a place where that "doper" stigma was lifted, and we all felt open and free to medicate and talk openly about what we do.
The Dec 10th BBQ gathering at Camp Far West was a gathering I will not soon forget, and wish to repeat over and over again. Lets not let these RIU gatherings stop. Lets embrace these gatherings and move forward with a 4/20, 4/21, 4/22 gathering and lets all have a great time!
Camp Far west here we come!

Very well said. Although I'd smoked recreationally for decades, sometimes under stoooopid circumstances (as in Texas when punishment was life for first offense...), the relief marijuana has given me after a life threatening health trip is like nothing else White Man's Medicine threw at me. So much so my (right wing but a good doc) mainstream physician has changed his position on mmj.

The movement needs the credibility so much of this forum offers, not to mention the networking a face to face event offers. The ad hominem remarks were cringeworthy and embarrassing to read for someone just interested in when and where the next event might be held. Doublejj, I'm especially sorry all your work and effort was highjacked over what sure seems childish and petulant to an "outsider".
lol....as far as i could tell it was just some rambling self-centered person thread jackin while some dbags were kissing her toes lol just kiddin.....theres still all kinds of love at RIU....

regarding the dodged bullet.....it only takes one crazy mawfawka to buzz kill a party fo sure lol

Yeah, seems as if it got way sketchy in a hurry.
I sure wish I could Jonie you guy's. seem like a lot of good people, But living about 3k miles away makes it real hard unless someone wanted to hook me up with a nice vacation ;-) Looking forward to seeing some more of Ur nice nice work this coming season................peace ohmy
Yea it did i could not believe my eyes with some of the info posted. So you got some good ideas dan for the next party? We still got time to figure out what were doin.

I didn't even see the stuff that got deleted, just the part where people were threatening to give out personal info. That's enough to keep me far away from the whole thing. I'll pass.
All I can say is dont ask RIU to police your BS. Will ride out 4/21 to cfw see you there come over the hill Wheezer. dirrtyd
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Just got back from the dez for 5 days. The weather was awesome with no wind at all and 70*. Put in a lot of miles with good friends.First time in 5 years we have been home before New Years day. I'm always sad when it's time to go home no matter how long we've been out there but the body was tired and ready to rest for a bit. Sorry what happened in the thread and it sounds like it will all get fixed one way or another. :peace:
Just got back from the dez for 5 days. The weather was awesome with no wind at all and 70*. Put in a lot of miles with good friends.First time in 5 years we have been home before New Years day. I'm always sad when it's time to go home no matter how long we've been out there but the body was tired and ready to rest for a bit. Sorry what happened in the thread and it sounds like it will all get fixed one way or another. :peace:

I think it's already fixed...it was just 1 person creating all the drama......
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