What happened? (Newb first grow)

mr ashman

What should i do? Are they over ?
Stick with them id say if you look at all the new growth coming they are sitting nice and not drooping so dont give up just yet... just out of interest do you have a mh or sodium bulb for any stage of the grow if so then you could put them under that for a while just make sure that the bulb is about 4 or 5 feet away and once they perk up put them back under your cfls thats what id do anyway ☺


Well-Known Member
What's the humidity like?
Have you added any nutrients?
Do you have any insects or pests in the pots/grow area?
Whats the temps?

Could be a number of things but I really wouldn't want to say that they have been under watered or over watered because I can't feel the soil for myself. I also find it difficult to diagnose problems with seedlings anyway.

I agree with the other user though who insists not to turn off the fan/s.


Well-Known Member
Keep her going . You can't fix jacked up leaves . Keep an eye on the new growth . Eventually those bottom leaves will yellow and come off . She will pull through .