What Ferts Should I Use?


Well-Known Member
mmkay, i started germination on March 7th. I have 6 Northern Lights X Big 4Bud, 1 Magic Bud, and 1 White Widow. I kept them indoors for about 2 1/2 months on 18/6, then about 2 weeks on 12/12 to sex. After that, i put them outdoors and i thought since the summer solstice was june 21st, they would start budding. They smell nice and are growing well, but the buds are very small. Ive noticed that the plants are growing alot bigger and arent getting long hairs like my last ones, which i did indoor. this is my first outdoor grow and im not sure what to do now. The buds arent growing but the plants are, so are they still in VEG mode even though ive been feeding them flowering nutes for the past few weeks. Should i switch back to VEG nutes and if so, how do i know when to use the flowering nutes? thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
summer solstice is the longest day in summer right? and the equinox in september would be when it reaches 12-12, well the summer solstice is not a trigger to start flowering, far from it, and feeding flowering nutes wont change that one bit.

your plants will still be in need of nitrogen for at least another month, most plants start flowering outdoors sometime mid augustish, but it varies a lot, and they should still get some nitrogen till the 3-4 week of budding, so they don't lose leaves too quick and lower your yield.


Well-Known Member
yeah summer solistice doesnt mean budding, it depends on the strain but liek beaner said most start in august


Well-Known Member
Plants need three times the N them K and P is only a pH adjuster that can force plants to flower earlier though only threw stress which can lower yeilds and effect flavor. Most places have Organic Traditions 4-2-2 cow manure dry which is decent. Home Depot had 5-1-1 alaska grow which is good or you could order earth juice grow, maxi crop, and thrive alive green online and be set with growth and flavor.


Well-Known Member
ok, thanx guys. IM still learning here, allready fed em' a bottle of flowering nutes. ill switch back to the veg nutrients now, thanks for the help


Active Member
One week before the longest day will stop premature flowering if you gave them 18 hours indoors first.Here in the subtropics they will veg for another 6 weeks before showing any signs of flower.
A good compost,manure and dolimite soil prep is important if growing outdoors.
Add full rate fert twice a week when plants get over four feet in height.
The durban picture above yeilded 16 ounces after 4 weeks on 18 before showing them day light a week before the longest day.


Active Member
do i need to start my seeds indoors or can i sart them in my shed and then put them outdoors and what is the best stuff 2 grow them in outdoors i mean soil or compost as i live in the uk and never done this before


Active Member
organic worm castings are a good start for compost ,30% of youre mix should be worm castings 15% medium pearlite,and 55% SHRUB TUB mix.
yes start seed in warm dark place then put under light when sprouted . check light distance with hand on seedling and if to hot for you after 20 seconds then too hot for young ones.