What Fan Should I Use For A 4x8 Tent With 2x1000w Lights?


Well-Known Member
Need help! titles sums it up. have a 4x8 tent. want to install 2x1000w lights in it. what fan would work the best? what tent should i get? btw, im not a rookie or beginner. however i am running into problems with new tent set up. please help!! the tent i have atm is a Sun Hut Silver XXL. i just exchanged the Grow Lab 120L...it was the 3'11". the tray i have wouldn't fit the first tent i picked up. i had the hydro shop order the Sun hut because they said it had 8" pots in it. it DOESN'T!!! and this is the 2nd time this week, with the 2nd tent i have purchased from this store. i spend tons of money their and they told me this shit would have 8" ports. should i be pissed at the shop, myself, or the employee who is wasting my fucking time????? i have plants that are getting root bound!! another thing thats pissing me off. why the fuck don't gallon containers hold a gallon of soil? FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im sorry why amazon? and how is that going to help that i haven't researched already?? ...sorry im not in the best of moods and i dont take too kindly to 2 sentence answers. maybe if you had a little more insight, say a link to another discussion of the same topic would have been highly helpful. no offence man, don't mind me... im off my fucking rocker right now.
that's gonna require more than a fan, I'm installing a hydro innovations ice box today myself.
hey dick face. i own a can fan. 8".... thanks for the unhelpful advise.

Sounds like you have more than enough fan for the 2 1000w lights. Ports being smaller than your fan is pretty whack indeed. How big are the ports? 6" I'm guessing? Do you already have your reflectors? If not, you could look into 6" air cooled reflectors. You could then put the Can fan outside the tent, and use a reducer from the fan to your chain inside the tent. Using a reducer is really your only option, or going to a smaller fan. I'm sure a 6" fan would still handle your setup. But you know, using a 8x6x6 split, into two 6" chains (one for each light) would actually work quite well, that is of course, if you haven't already purchased 8" cooled reflectors.

The goal to cooling lights is ensuring that there is a minimum of 250CFM of airflow coming out of the last light in the chain (preferably right before the final exhaust point). If you are below 250CFM throughout your cooling/exhaust chain than you will not be cooling as well as you could have.

You can get an inexpensive CFM meter from Test Equipment Depot, or a quick google shopping search for Air Flow Meter will find you the $40 model available on the web. No matter how high of CFM your fan is rated it is important to ensure that your airflow through your entire chain is proper.
Go blow a wad on liquid cooling for your hoods and a CO2 system. What kind of magic answer were you expecting or are just trying to bait people into wasting time so you can be a dick to them?

Where's the *like* button when you need one?
THANK YOU DUB!!!!! this is the answer i was looking for. i already have dude on ignore. seems like he needs a morning bowl to smoke. yeah i have thought about 2 options. a reducer, OR literally cutting a duct hole and buying a 8" flange kit. BUT!! after dumping $300-whatever on the tent i thent is counter productive to modify it, ya dig? and YES! 6" ports. and the box says there is only 2!!! i onw the same companies tent in a smaller size and it has like 9 ports!!! 3 different sizes!! why do companies do this shit? just to piss me off? i was almost debating returning the tent and building my own out of 2x4's and Visquen plastic. could i get the better Can-Fan Max? just for extra bonus? ya see, my major issue is i really do not know how im going to run all my exhaust system. i have a few ideas. if i cut the hole out in the wrong area, im fucking screwed! ya know what im saying? i have a portable a/c unit. i can not cut any hols into my walls, im renting. i was hoping i could use the a/c unit to make the ambient room temps cooler, dra in the cooler air to cool off the lights. and exhaust cool air into the room. that is the only way i can do it. so my question does have merit. i am knocking my head on the wall. i returned the Grow Lab tent yesterday because it was only 3'11". the guy at the hydro shop told me he has the same tray and same tent. supposedly Botanicare designed a new 4x4 tray. and the new one is has smaller outside dimensions. dont know if that is true, but i have the Sun hut Silver XXL now. im hating this tent with a passion. so much i haven't even opened it. im debating returning it today.

is there any other tents on the market, besides Sun Hut, Grow lab and the Hydrofarm ones. them HF ones are fucking like $700!!!! what are my freaking options? i was debating getting the next size up of the Grow Lab tent, the 140L. but then i will not be able to get around my plants. i will have no outside room in the actual room room. my head hurts....
that's gonna require more than a fan, I'm installing a hydro innovations ice box today myself.

i think i will be getting one of those in the future for sure. RIGHT now, im just running 1x1000w. but this set up is being designed for 2x1000w.
i think i will be getting one of those in the future for sure. RIGHT now, im just running 1x1000w. but this set up is being designed for 2x1000w.

They aren't cheap to start up but I think It's gonna be the best way to go for me. took like one year to fry my portable AC and it wasn't dual hose so I got odor and loss of co2 from the exhaust.
THANK YOU DUB!!!!! this is the answer i was looking for. i already have dude on ignore. seems like he needs a morning bowl to smoke. yeah i have thought about 2 options. a reducer, OR literally cutting a duct hole and buying a 8" flange kit. BUT!! after dumping $300-whatever on the tent i thent is counter productive to modify it, ya dig? and YES! 6" ports. and the box says there is only 2!!! i onw the same companies tent in a smaller size and it has like 9 ports!!! 3 different sizes!! why do companies do this shit? just to piss me off? i was almost debating returning the tent and building my own out of 2x4's and Visquen plastic. could i get the better Can-Fan Max? just for extra bonus? ya see, my major issue is i really do not know how im going to run all my exhaust system. i have a few ideas. if i cut the hole out in the wrong area, im fucking screwed! ya know what im saying? i have a portable a/c unit. i can not cut any hols into my walls, im renting. i was hoping i could use the a/c unit to make the ambient room temps cooler, dra in the cooler air to cool off the lights. and exhaust cool air into the room. that is the only way i can do it. so my question does have merit. i am knocking my head on the wall. i returned the Grow Lab tent yesterday because it was only 3'11". the guy at the hydro shop told me he has the same tray and same tent. supposedly Botanicare designed a new 4x4 tray. and the new one is has smaller outside dimensions. dont know if that is true, but i have the Sun hut Silver XXL now. im hating this tent with a passion. so much i haven't even opened it. im debating returning it today.

is there any other tents on the market, besides Sun Hut, Grow lab and the Hydrofarm ones. them HF ones are fucking like $700!!!! what are my freaking options? i was debating getting the next size up of the Grow Lab tent, the 140L. but then i will not be able to get around my plants. i will have no outside room in the actual room room. my head hurts....

Yes, Botanicare did make new trays that are 4' Outside diameter instead of 4' inside diameter. This allows them to fit in all the 4' grow tents.

There is Secret Jardin tents also out there. I've owned Grow Lab and Secret Jardin. They are of comparable quality and construction. I purchased all of mine used and they were quite affordable. Just have to watch and save your searches on eBay so they will email you when items you want come up! Tents are cool, but are limiting like you have mentioned. I totally understand not wanting to cut into something that costs that much. My advice would be to return the grow tent and build your own. A Dozen 2x4s, some good wood screws, pvc plastic film, a few joints and brews and you'll have yourself your own tent in just a few hours.

I always recommend building your own tents with Polyfilm or PVC type plastic sheeting for a multitude of reasons.
You won't be afraid to cut the right size ducts needed.
You can cut in anywhere you like.
You can make the ceiling to fit EXACTLY in your area instead of just going with their premade dimensions.
It will save you some dollars without a doubt.
Allows for most effective CO2 supplementation with least amount of waste
Allows for A/C's intake to pull from outside the tent creating a higher cooling efficiency.
You can expand wherever and whenever you like without having to buy a new tent that cannot connect to your current tent.
You can create an Entrance to the room where YOU need it, not where the commercial grow tent company put it.

I've used tents off and on over the years and at this point I only use tents for really one one reason, to dry my product. They create an awesome dark area, that is accessible yet doesn't allow for drafts or for airflow to dry out the product too quickly.

Not to mention, cooling a tent that you intend to keep closed with a consumer level A/C unit is a challenge all into its own. With your own tent, you could cut a spot for the front of the AC to be in your tent, and the back to be outside. This setup works wonders in sealed grows, not only will it cool much more efficiently then being in the room, but it will allow you to supplment CO2 into the room without concern of it being exhausted out.
i just feel like i have wasted so much time this week. i really want 2x1000. i may just settle for 2x600 and maybe just try to squeeze an extra 600w in later. im not happy today and have been furious for about the last 48 hours. i feel like punching my house to shambles!! i buy the tent the dude says "will def work". then i take it home and it is far from working. so i return and order the "correct" tent. im seriously debating returning tray and tent. and getting the shit that WILL all work correctly. i had these issues on my last tent. some dumb ass at the hydro shop told me to get a XXXL hood, 1000w light, 4x4 tent and a 8" fan. man, i had such a fucking nightmare trying to install that set up. asshole was like "ill stop by and help you if you have troubles". do you really think he did? nah, he didn't fake ass lying chump ass wannabe "dispensary" owner. my ass!!! his weed even sucked. i just have no idea what to do. i dropped a grand at the shop the other day, money that my friend graciously loaned me. i just feel like sleeping for like a year!!!!
They aren't cheap to start up but I think It's gonna be the best way to go for me. took like one year to fry my portable AC and it wasn't dual hose so I got odor and loss of co2 from the exhaust.

Just remember, an Ice Box doesn't cool your room. It just cools the air from your hood back to room temperature. If you have multiple lights then you need multiple Ice Box. You can get away with 1 Ice Box on 2 600's or less but that is the max. If you have dehumidifiers, ballasts, and other equipment in your room then you will still need some form of a/c. Even if you don't you will still need to cool the ambient air in the room. If you are in a small space then you might be able to get away with an additional Ice Box or two. Remember that for every Ice Box you have you will need roughly 1/4hp of chiller.
i have the portable a/c unit. 10,000btu. Sharp. CHECK!!! i love the thing. in the summer. i just go and sit in the grow room to cool off real quick.

so hey, i guess my question now is, will a 8" Can Fan work, or could i get away with a Can Fan Max 6"??? i hate using them reducers...the reducers make the ports all uneven, and lopsided. ya know what i mean? if not, i have another thread posted with pics of how i have my current 4x4 veg set up. it looks janky, but after messing with it and getting a fan controller. fan is on less then 100% and the room inside the tent with light on is never above 80. and mostly never above 75. with light off i seen it go to 68!! there was a wee bit of a cold front though. thought winter was over??
I'd return the shit that's not working, talk to someone more knowledgeable at the store, and go from there. You might not be able to run a tent with a tray, as they usually seem to be the wrong size...

Unless you just end up cutting that hole and put 2 flanges back to back.
yeah i think i have it solved. and i will def need to modify my tent. fucking lame if you ask me, but my plants need to grow. this all started because i had an "investor" promise me $3k. then his ass backed out after leaving me the money to buy the seeds, planted all 40 of them, thought i would have funds to buy the equipment i needed. then about 30 days in, dudes like "i can't invest at this time". im like FUCK YOU BITCH!!!! and now i have 3 times the amount of plants i need for myself. and i just have a hard time killing nice beautiful plants. i dont want to say they are they best, im a perfectionist, but they are doing damn good!! enough knocking my head against the wall, i need to get to work!!!
i'm running 2k watts in a 6x6x6 right now with just a 6" 440cfm amd outside ambient around 70 degrees to 74 degrees
tent stays about 4-5 degrees warmer than ambient

also - if you can't cut a hole in your wall, go get a 30 dollar door from home depot and a couple of heavy angle brackets
cut a hole in that.

short of that, pvc and panda plastic are your best alternative - you could also use 1x2s instead.
i have the portable a/c unit. 10,000btu. Sharp. CHECK!!! i love the thing. in the summer. i just go and sit in the grow room to cool off real quick.

so hey, i guess my question now is, will a 8" Can Fan work, or could i get away with a Can Fan Max 6"??? i hate using them reducers...the reducers make the ports all uneven, and lopsided. ya know what i mean? if not, i have another thread posted with pics of how i have my current 4x4 veg set up. it looks janky, but after messing with it and getting a fan controller. fan is on less then 100% and the room inside the tent with light on is never above 80. and mostly never above 75. with light off i seen it go to 68!! there was a wee bit of a cold front though. thought winter was over??

Yes, I believe a 6" can fan will handle 2 hoods, but I wouldn't go more than 2 hoods on a 6".
i'm running 2k watts in a 6x6x6 right now with just a 6" 440cfm amd outside ambient around 70 degrees to 74 degrees
tent stays about 4-5 degrees warmer than ambient

also - if you can't cut a hole in your wall, go get a 30 dollar door from home depot and a couple of heavy angle brackets
cut a hole in that.

short of that, pvc and panda plastic are your best alternative - you could also use 1x2s instead.

2,000 watts in a 6x6x6? That's ballsy! I wouldn't think you could keep that cool. How tall are your plants at harvest? 2 feet?