What excuse would you have for a Tent?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
So i'm contemplating if I should invest in a little indoor grow tent.
Problem is that it get's inspected every now-and-then.

Was wondering what the community would use as an excuse for having a 4by4 grow tent in the room with exhaust coming out.
The noise and smell wont be a problem. Ill cover smell w/ Carbon Filter, & the AC will be covering the noise from the fans.
The problem is.. when she comes in to inspect it.. they're is going to be a huge black thing in the room.
What would I say or use as an excuse for that? :shock:

Or matter of fact.. how would I cover it up?

Any Idea guys?
Rep for the brilliant answers. :leaf:


Ursus marijanus
Have a picture of this

and tell her it's at the cleaners. Invite her to peek inside, but have a nasty-looking disclaimer/indemnity contract for her to sign ... to avoid what happened to the last guy. cn


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Ask her to be the doctors new assistant and say its his tardis?!?

Seriously though build a wood framed box that's not going to raise eyebrows. Or convert a sideboard or something.


Well-Known Member
Lol. I deleted my post so as not to ruffle feathers and you hung me with it.
I gotta be fast around here.


Active Member
A wardrobe for clothes... I've seen zipup tents for those online before.

Other than that, my excuse for my tent would be that I have post herpetic neuralgia.

jessy koons

New Member
A bed and breakfast for traveling circus midgets. Rock climbing wall for cats. Bomb shelter prototype. Bariatric chamber for pirate friends of yours.


Active Member
build a huge over sized but flashy entertainment center for a big ass tv to sit in..
make it so the tent is in there