what exactly is the node


Well-Known Member
I've heard the descriptions but is there anyway someone can show me a picture of exactly what it is. I am getting ready to top my plant, and was told to do it above the 2nd node to get 4 colas. But I don't want to fuck it up so yeah


Well-Known Member
a node is each new developing "stem"


at 35 sec the spot above the 2 big leaves is where the "new node" is developing


Well-Known Member
heres another pic i had kicking around, the verry top of your planty should look similar to this, thats where you want to cut it



Well-Known Member
I am going to try making a quick vid of my plant to make sure im going to cut it correctly brb
im new too but i believe where you see four branches coming out from the stem man. Idk, do you have a height issue is that why you're topping?


Well-Known Member
No, I am topping because it creates 4 colas instead of one. So theoritically quadrupling my yield
oh i see. Well im currently in my first grow so no experience with that but id just find a couple threads on how to do it on here and make a decision. good luck!