What does UVB damage look like?


Active Member
I recently bought some supplemental UVB lights to put in my tent, and I'm wondering what damage from UVB looks like, so I can keep an eye out for it as I slowly ramp up duration I leave the lights on. There seems to be very little info on this, does anyone have pictures or anecdotal evidence of what to look for?

I am using 2 25 watt UVB's, starting low an hour a day and going up 15 minutes every day is the plan, today was day 1.



Active Member
Nah man, I just put my camera inside and took a bunch of pictures and took one that looked good. I saw the million warnings about it.


Active Member
Google is pretty dry on this. What the damage looks like. And 2 post hero's have nothing to add but their impressive wit?
Like a couple of gas jockeys being told fill'er up and some guy says that's what she said and everybody falls down laughing. The twos of you.

If anyone has some info, id appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
I run Agromax Pure UV / 10000k finisher . I don’t use in veg as silica hardens them up.

As far as time cycle … I run according to 12/12 cycle - breaking it into 4 hour blocks / 15 minute on per.
Yes , you can overdo it and actually DAMAGE plant. As far as plant stress being visible it will happen quickly as a stressor to it.

I never torch my tops so as far as ACTUAL damage , I never done it personally ……

Signed HERO 1

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