What does this mean? (pics)


Well-Known Member
yeah 5.0 PH is to low for soil. Like others said you want it at 6.5-6.8.

Also like everyone else said, lose the tinfoil, it does way more worse, then it does good.

I wanna see a picture of those girls, in a week or two, looking lucious green, and without the tinfoil = 0

Goodluck mate, keep us updated on the little girls <3


Well-Known Member
dRugged I did post all that info man....you didnt read it? Ok well 2 days ago I got rid of the foil, have been venting them more, and adjusted light level and temp, will post new pics of them tomorrow morning. Thanks fellas.

mr j2

Well-Known Member
a ph of 5 is a little too acidic for soil plants, thats more for a hydroponic setup. you want it to be around 6


Well-Known Member

Fucking shit! I came home form work and my girlfriends friend who thinks shes a garden master added my nutes! She swears up and down the colors I see are from food deficiency. Fortunately the needed water but I didnt want to give them any yet since the soil has nutes in it! What happens if they get over nuted now!? Could it kill them? If they die Im gonna choke that bitch!

if she is right im gonna give her the biggest hug!....lol

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
Hopefully she is right, I was thinking they looked a little overnuted is why I was asking what kind of soil you were using... wait and see what happens, if they start getting worse you are going to want to flush them real good.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully she is right, I was thinking they looked a little overnuted is why I was asking what kind of soil you were using... wait and see what happens, if they start getting worse you are going to want to flush them real good.
How many times should I flush? I will be able to tell tomorrow morning if they are over nuted my plants react to everything I do or change to them VERY quickly.....I feel so bad since I feel they are being stressed I would be so upset it they go hermie or all male!

Lemme gets some pics real quick....


Well-Known Member
I've been under the impression that PH should be near 7 not 5, that sounds acidic to me. Acidic soil can lock up nutrients and make it near impossible to diagnose correctly.