What does Spraying Cola do?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
ummm... no.. (GK - puts his nose up in the air)

maybe mineral water.... for the Co2... but not coke.. i prefer PERRIER



Active Member
There is nothing of value in Coca-Cola for a plant. Perhaps you meant spraying the Cola of a plant. If that is so, I would recommend that you DON'T! If you spray any of your Colas, you will most likely get mold and bud rot.


Well-Known Member
Holy Macaroni.....This has got to be the weirdest plant enhancement technique I ever heard of.......DO NOT SPRAY COKE ON YOUR COLAS!



Well-Known Member
Spraying that on your plants results in a sticky mess. It will also attack bugs.


Well-Known Member
when using ladybugs as pest control sticky soda is used to spray the surface of them before releasing. this glues their wings together. otherwise they just fly away. i've used ladybugs but i could not bring myself to grounding them.


Active Member
russOr, I am going to post as many "urban legends" as you say, as I have heard, I am new to actually caring for pot plants and growing my own. There are a lot of different methods, I know, and that is why I came here, to learn of some. THANK YOU


russOr, I am going to post as many "urban legends" as you say, as I have heard, I am new to actually caring for pot plants and growing my own. There are a lot of different methods, I know, and that is why I came here, to learn of some. THANK YOU
Merry Christmas: https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/937-how-grow-marijuana.html

While it may be a good idea to resolve the rumors, I personally don't understand how someone could even begin to believe any one of the rumors you've posted. Maybe it's just me. But it doesnt take much logic to shoot them down. Without logic, reading the basics could help you into figuring out how bad of an idea everything you have posted thus far is.


Well-Known Member
I can follow the logic. Think Swisher Sweets. Someone who doesn't know much thought that if you added sugar to the bud that it would then tasty sweet when you smoke it.

It's an awful idea though. If that's your thing, buy some blunt wrappers or mayb e mix your bud with pipe tobacco.


Active Member
She is a complete moron! Anyone with a sliver of common sense would know thats a stupid idea. Try watering you plants with weed killer I heard it's great for them. Makes really strong buds. LOL

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
She is a complete moron! Anyone with a sliver of common sense would know thats a stupid idea. Try watering you plants with weed killer I heard it's great for them. Makes really strong buds. LOL
Hey Hank.. please tell us the dumbest thing you have done.. so that we can all judge you.

iloveyou :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i agree with the common sense rule applies here but low and behold with all i can fathom there would be no purpose to coke on your plants....

now if youre into drag racing just pour a can of coke on each of you driving tires on your car/motorcycle before you do your burnout (do the burout in the coke puddle) and it will greatly increase traction and 0-60 foot times because of the sticky shit and the phosphoric acid in the coke activates different properties in the rubber as it begins to warm..

oops wrong forum this isnt drag racing. :)


Well-Known Member
She is a complete moron! Anyone with a sliver of common sense would know thats a stupid idea. Try watering you plants with weed killer I heard it's great for them. Makes really strong buds. LOL

hank common sense isnt as common as we all thought so dont be a dick people are here to lean and teach alike. so read more post less unless you have some other groundbreaking observations like youve sprouted real balls.:twisted:

if you grew where i live it'd be natural, everybodies doin it:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
BC ???


norcal outside humboldt (99 plant limit in the next county over):hump: :hump: :hump:

"{the home of beaches and bridges}" its a lysic from a rap song by Mac Dre the home of beaches and bridges is the Bay Area, not a very long drive from here, but still a drive.

:twisted: considering i grew up on some big city streets the boonies aint so bad after all, just me n my budz.:blsmoke: