what does a wire net placed above plants do?

I ve seen a lot of grower in aomewhat short spaces keep a wire net above their plants but i ve never been sure of its purpose...do people put it there cause that is the highest point they can let their plants grow without getting burned by the light or is it a way of supporting and tying down the plants once they get that tall?



Well-Known Member
i could be wrong but thats the sgrog or sog method using the screen to level off canopys maybe someone else could tell you for sure


Active Member
its the Scrog method
you weave the plant thru the wire during veg and allows for even canopy of top bud in closed spaces.
in a nutshell etleast

bam bam

Active Member
I ve seen a lot of grower in aomewhat short spaces keep a wire net above their plants but i ve never been sure of its purpose...do people put it there cause that is the highest point they can let their plants grow without getting burned by the light or is it a way of supporting and tying down the plants once they get that tall?

Its for people who use lights that dont penetrate very far, so they train the plant so that a lot of the bud sites are at the top close to the light source.

This method can also help restrict the height of the plant in short cabinets.


Well-Known Member
I ve seen a lot of grower in aomewhat short spaces keep a wire net above their plants but i ve never been sure of its purpose...do people put it there cause that is the highest point they can let their plants grow without getting burned by the light or is it a way of supporting and tying down the plants once they get that tall?


both answers are correct

1) as some people have said SCRoG is using the net to force an unnatural top of plant

2) people using bigger holed nets just have them there to support the plant that grows thru the net to stop it falling over with unnaturally large buds weighing it down.