What do you wish you had known earlier?

Water from the tap will have a higher PPM as well.

Depends i stay in a soft water area i need to supplement tap water with organic sources of calmag our ppm s are low

And something i wish i knew from the start organics vs synthetics quality wise if i knew in the beginning id never have messed around with canna etc always grown in soil mostly tho as its my preference
A cheap shop-vac from Costco is a god-send for removing excess nutrient water from the grow tubs under my pots (and keeping the tent tidy).

Mixing your own nutrients from dry salts (Jacks 321) is easy, cheap and effective along with less is more (moderate PPMs).

Running your lights at night allows plants to dry out after watering/nutrients. Instead of putting them to bed with wet hair and welcoming Botrytis to your grow.
A cheap shop-vac from Costco is a god-send for removing excess nutrient water from the grow tubs under my pots (and keeping the tent tidy).
I'd add to that, if sound is a large concern, get a hand held dirt devil (slightly quieter than the shop vac, and more portable), and for waste water, I use a 15 watt cheap ass plug in Amazon aquarium pump with a bucket. Virtually no sound.
Never trust the guy at the Hydro store

I agree with that with one exception and that is the hydro store I get my coco and dry salts from. It's the oldest in Portland and it's not filled with shelves full of overpriced shiny bottles. They sell what you need and in the twenty years of going there they have never once tried to push any product on me.
I agree with that with one exception and that is the hydro store I get my coco and dry salts from. It's the oldest in Portland and it's not filled with shelves full of overpriced shiny bottles. They sell what you need and in the twenty years of going there they have never once tried to push any product on me.
Not all then LOL
I wish I had known which self proclaimed "expert growers" here, I should put on ignore. It would have saved me from reading countless hours of their bullshit, until I figured it out.....

Attention New Posters: My list is for sale. Cheap. I take PayPal too.

I'd go with KISS as well, but it's pretty broad.

The biggest thing I learnt was:
If you don't do this, your plant will get maybe 1/2 the nutrients it's supposed to and will get locked out.

The second biggest thing (for bonus points) I learnt was:
Don't have large temperature fluctuations from day to night. If you have too big of a drop, you'll grow some gross tasting hermaphrodites.
Keep ppms moderate to low...people slam their plants way too hard
Use a simple 1 or 2 part nutrient program
Boosters and additives are snake oil...if you HAVE to...add one at a time for a full grow to see how “effective” It is
American seeds are way better than euro at this point
Freebies and cheap seeds from reputable breeders tend to be just as good or better than expensive