What do you think?

I believe there is a Calcium deficiency since the nutes do not have any (House and Garden Cocos + their other stuff). This started happening 7 weeks into flower, the Arjan's #1 started first and then the Lemon Skunk only recently. The medium is roots coco soilless which contains perlite, castings etc.

The pH of run-off is around 5.5. pH has never been a problem and the leaves have been beautiful up until this point. Cal-Mag was acquired yesterday and hopefully that is the issue.

This is really only happening on the higher big fan leaves and hasn't really happened on lower leaves.

The Lemon Skunk is also flowering longer than it was supposed to. It actually looked like it was almost done and the leaves were fine, having around 80% red hairs, and then a TON of white hairs popped out a couple days ago very densely and the flowers got much bigger. Perhaps it is normal for the leaves to be dying at this point. Maybe its the shooting powder that has tricked it into flower again or something.

This is the work of a first-timer who has done a lot of research and is meticulous but has obviously no prior experience and doesn't want to mess up especially this late in the process.

Beginning of flowering (L-R: Arjan's #1, Lemon Skunk)

Week 8 Lemon Skunk

Week 10 Lemon Skunk (same top actually)

Week 10 Leaves

Arjan's #3 Week 7 (started later and is smaller so it hasn't shown the problem yet)

Arjan's #1 Week 10

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Wow what a colorful range of deficiencies you have there. "Week 10 Lemon Skunk" pic is extremely Phosphorus deprived. "Week 10 Leaves" pic is also very P deprived but shows other deficiencies as well. You definately need more P and probably a little more K as well.
Alright so probably because of backed off nutes due to flushing. I keep expecting them to be over-nuted since I was using a higher nute/water ratio than recommended, but so far they've responded well to a ton of nutes and in veg they hated not having enough. Now I know it should be pumped back up. Glad to hear the problem is not enough nutrients!

What do you think about the CalMag being added as well?


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
I don't use that myself. I use Worm Castings for magnesium, Bone Meal for calcium as well as Fish Emulsion and Bat Guano for both.
The medium actually has castings, guano, pumice, perlite, kelp, greensand, leonardite, but I guess it's been used up since it's been in the bucket for over 4 months now. Perhaps a few scoops of the mix to top off the buckets could be helpful.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The Lemon Skunk, at least, appears to be too far gone to let soil slowly release nutes. The sooner you can get some P into them, the better, and having some K in the mix wouldn't hurt. Some high phosphorus bat guano made into a tea will probably be your best bet. Organic teas can be absorbed very quickly by the plant and will perk her right up.


Active Member
You definately have too much potassium in their thats what is causing those brown burn spots all over your leaves,which is potassium deficient,also known as the rust. Your plants have too much potassium it happens sometimes when you flush,because when you water it makes those nutes redily available to your plant and causes overnute of certain elements. Your week 10 lemon skunk's top leaves are either burned by the lights or way too much potassium,even a severe nitrogen def. can cause burns like that. Just make sure Ph is 6.5-6.6,let your soil dry out before you water again,and check the ppm of your water before you add anything like cal-mag because if it's above 200ppm then you probably have enough iron,zinc,sulfer,potassium,calcium and other micronutrients and cal-mag would be harmfull. Hope u fix it. Oregon the chronic state.