what do you think ?

:eyesmoke: Hello all. So Im about 7 weeks into flowering. I have 9 girls. I have grown a few times but just simply fertilize & water. All in all I usually do quite well. I wanted to do a little better this year. I dont know the strain, 3 of my plants are from good seed and 6 are clones A friend gave me because he was moving :) Ive got another 3 or so weeks before harvest ( i believe ) and I wondered what I could do in the next 3 weeks to fatten up the buds, very airy.. any suggestions ? I give them bloom booster 1x a week now, is that enough ? or should I do something different ?

Thanks everyone


thanks... i think its gonna frost early in ny this year... and I really would like it if they went another month. hopefully they'll turn out ok ?