what do you think will happen in 2012?


Well-Known Member
Its not the end, I was multitasking when i posted that. Its not the end of the world, I dont think, but its some serious shit. Were all gonna go through hardships. Idk if its possible to get through this though. Because if you look at the prophecy, were pretty much screwed. Then the people with shelter that abandoned everyoneelse will get screwed. So Idk, I think it'd be kinda nice unless all the governments still have total control(which will be complete shit). I can picture finding some land and chillin there maybe with some people. Work together to survive until everything goes back to normal. Man like 3/4 the human population is gonna just be fucked and die. But if you made it through that, you'd be hella stronger. It's like a test man.........THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ya we will definitely start to see it in the next year or so if it is really coming.. and it obviously will not be the "end of the world" because if it is on a 3600 or whatever year cycle, then obviously it does not wipe out the planet as we know it.. plus i think it depends on what part of the earths orbit we are in, that determines how bad it will be.. for example if we are farther away the implications are not as severe.

even einstien and other researchers have stated that you can see changes on the earths crust which did not happen gradually over time, but in very fast intervals. darwin pointed out that the wooly mammoths in siberia, were completely frozen in what seemed like overnight because not only did they have grasses in their teeth that did not grow in siberia when they were thawed out, but also had undigested food in their stomachs which proved that they had been frozen in a very short timespan..

hell even nasa will tell you that if you look at the frozen liquid rocks (frozen lava) underneath the north and south poles, that you can clearly see that the earth has had at least 3 different north and south poles in its existance, which can help explain periods such as the different ice ages, and melting, and refreezing of glaciers and ice caps..

people can theorize and debate back and forth all they want but there really is only one way to know if it, or some other disasters are going to come (like the lining up of earth, the sun, and a black hole) and what their outcomes may be, and that is to kick back, grab a beer and a joint, and watch it happen



New Member
Gutter, when people talk about "the end of the world" it doesn't mean that the planet will cease to exist, just that our way of life will be over. I"m sure no matter what happens there will be survivors scattered around the planet. It'll be like hitting a reset button. Most people will perish and maybe those who survive can re-build our world with less greed and more compassion.

I'm stocking up on food, if nothing happens, well then look at all those things I won't need to go to the grocery store for .

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the documentary i watched said something to the effect of planet alignment according to the aztec calendar no rouge planet... mrs moffit i like your way of thinking it wouldn't be the first near extinction of our race according to DNA studies


Well-Known Member
that is another thing which has been talked about, and that is that we are going to be perfectly aligned with some black hole and scientists dont know what this will do.. havent researched up on this one but could be interesting... i just dont see how all these different civilizations could say the end will be in 2012.. too much coinceidence there


New Member
Yes Flo, the alignment with the dark rift in the milky way is what they Mayans, egypians and other ancient people were pointing to.

The 3 biggest pyramids in egypt were not built as tombs, they are a mirror of the stars in orions belt, the sphinx is suppsed to be pointing them towards the dark rift.

The mayans knew about stars that modern scientists didn't "discover" until the 1960's. Yes they may have been primitave in many ways, but in other ways I think they surpassed us.


New Member
and that is exactly why the government covers shit up. If they put the word out that something is going to wreck our way of life, people would go nuts.


Well-Known Member
well they fucked up..cus looks like most of us know...

I know some people that taking some serious measures..on one hand I can see it happening. then the other I can see it not being as bad as we are making it to be.

personally I hope shit goes crazy!! I dont know why, but i always like to struggle..makes me feel ALIVE.


Well-Known Member
its gonna take a lot to end this world. I dont see it happening in our time...

the only thing that will end this world is humans through war. the planet will still be here, maybe some roaches too. but if we dont change our ways of living this planet will evict us.


New Member
I want shit to go crazy just for the simple fact that money won't be worth anything anymore. Things will go back to bartering and all these people who have made their livings by ripping off or screwing others over, are going to be hurting.

I want to see Donald Trump going from house to house begging for a meal.

I want to see George Bush with an empty stomache and a dirty face whining because he's hungy.

It will be times like those where those of us who are used to stuggling to survive will come out on the top of the heap. It's going to be our time.