What do you think of this pH meter?


Active Member
I just bought this because I wanted a pH meter but I'm a little skeptical of how accurate it's going to be. Has any1 used one of these before? I don't want to open it if it sucks so I can return it.

This is the company I got its a "HoldAll" brand.
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This one looks basically the same:
Moisture Light PH Meter hydroponics soil analyzer NEW - eBay (item 170254911965 end time Aug-31-08 17:00:20 PDT)

This one too:
Indoor / Outdoor -- Soil pH, Moisture, and Light Meter - eBay (item 320282650927 end time Aug-31-08 18:00:00 PDT)

So should I keep it or return it? Thanks!

I searched and couldn't find anything earlier but i just found this thread:


Somewhat helpful. I think I might just keep it. I don't need it extremely accurate, I just want an idea of the pH of my soil and water I'm putting in.


Well-Known Member
As long as it works and was cheap.Those go for $10 or less...
Make sure you compare it to something else at least once. Verify against a liquid kit or something because they can be way way off sometimes or they can be fine, you just never know.


Active Member
alright cool. It was only $8 with tax so thats not too bad. But if I could just something cheaper that worked better I'd rather return this and get that.

Also, does any1 know if this thing is capable of testing water pH? Or will it only test soil pH? I don't see why it would only do one over the other but I figured I should ask.


This thing sounds like garbage so I'm gonna go hit up petsmart or petco and get some drops. Holla!


Well-Known Member
I got the exact same thing (or something very simular) and had some serious issues with it, dont open it! mine read 7.5 in my pot, in my garden, and also the same in pure vinigar! and also its a mess around with sanding the probe n not the tip, i may be wrong, i got mine off ebay too £9.00 and got a refund cos it was a piece of crap! buy a digital 1 for a few $ more

