What do you think of this mix?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I am working towards dialing in my grows. I am trying all kinds of different mediums and mixes to find what works best for me. I just transplanted 3+ week old plants into FF HF. I used 2 cubic feet of the HF. I added a half a cup of endo/ecto mycos, 1-1.5 tbsp of azomite per gallon, 6 cups EWCs, and 1-1.5 tbsp of powdered dolomite lime. I plan on using AN Iguana Juice and some guano teas throughout the veg and bloom.

Here is my concern. I am worried that the addition of the dolomite lime will screw up my plants. I tested the soils ph today and it was 6.4-6.5. My water is always at 6.3-6.4. The ppm of my water is 70. I have read a ton on the addition of the lime to HF and some people like it and some people hate it. The plants will be in these containers for 3-4 weeks until I bloom them. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I really appreciate all opinions on this. Thanks everyone. BTW, this is my first all organic grow.



Well-Known Member
Hey im in the process of making my own organic soil right now. So far I have a huge bag of organic compost and a bag of perlite. Do you think I need to mix soil in with this or can i just start my seedlings in regular organic potting soil then transfer to the compost/perlite mix. I plan on adding some more stuff as well, some blood meal, coco for water retention, worm castings, and some lime. As for nutes im going to brew organic teas with guanos, alfafa, and some blackstrap mollases for bloom and for veg use a 5-1-1 fish organic liquid fert. Any suggestions? I do plan on letting my soil cook for a while like 2-4 weeks. Thanks a lot.
i made a mix with HF and i didnt include any lime. Then again, i never even measured my ph. I added perlite, Mykos, a lot of castings, seabird guano, bat guano, and glacial rock dust. I think i needed a tad more N. and definitely some kelp.


Well-Known Member
After more researching it seems that the 1-1.5 tbsp of dolomite per gallon wont be a problem. Any thoughts?
No problem, in fact, it might be a bit light.

*I* use a heavy cup/cf of dolo, which is a bit more than 2tbl/gallon with no problems and have for years.
