What do you think of psychics?


Active Member
There is a 'psychic fair' in my city and my sister wants to go with her. I'm not sure if I should cause it sounds like a waste of money and time.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
It is a waste of money and time, anyone claiming to be a psychic but wanting payment so they can do a reading (or w.e) is a fraud... A real psychic wouldnt use their abilities to achieve wealth, nor would a real psychic want the attention like some kind of circus act... A real psychic is someone spiritually gifted and sent on this earth for a meaningful purpose. Be it to spread knowledge to the select few who are willing to listen or to try and balance out the chaos that is present in this world, I really dont know. But I do know someone with amazing spiritual abilities, he is much more than a psychic, his abilities came very naturally for him but he said everyone has the ability to do what he does. Most I can do is make a weak invisible energy ball in my hands and generate a strong sensation that radiates through out my torso. I wish I could see what he sees, what an amazing world he must live in... Anyways, before I sound too crazy Im gunna stop lol thats my two cents.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
mini kamehameha?
Lol pretty much, I was on shrooms one time and I was able to make it really strong and I was like YES! but I was disappointed that I wasnt able to do anything with it. I heard that your able to tap into psychic powers when your on shrooms and LSD. Like brains connecting somehow and people share the same trip, and the stronger minded person would be able to hear some of what the other person is thinking. I only did shrooms twice and each time it was only two grams, cant wait to do them again.


Well-Known Member
There is a 'psychic fair' in my city and my sister wants to go with her. I'm not sure if I should cause it sounds like a waste of money and time.
Your instincts seem spot on. It would be a waste of time and money. Those type of things can be great for getting high and having a good laugh at all the psychic misses, but it gets depressing watching all the poor saps take it seriously...


Active Member
u mean mind readers or seeing stuff that didnt happen yet? i can see some mental abilities can be achieved with technology. its sci fi now but its a realistic idea. right now predicting the future is impossible, i mean weather and comets can be to a certain degree.


Well-Known Member
There is a 'psychic fair' in my city and my sister wants to go with her. I'm not sure if I should cause it sounds like a waste of money and time.
But, it can be fun. Here's how. Bring a big paper grocery bag with eye holes position so you can see but they can't see your eyes. Write on the bag,


Fold it up into your pocket, put it on at the right time....very fun.


New Member
I'd go just to have fun. I went to a psychic reader once for shits and giggles. I got both lol. I have a distant aunt that was having an affair with a married man for something like 11 years, and she was there. And the first thing the woman tells her after looking at her palm (no idea why, she didn't say anything about being a palm reader) she said "I have to tell you dis (accent). Der is a voman, she knows you've been sah-leeping vith her husband. She knows your name, and where you leeeve, and she vishes very much ill on you." I giggled and my aunt shit herself lol.


Well-Known Member
There is a 'psychic fair' in my city and my sister wants to go with her. I'm not sure if I should cause it sounds like a waste of money and time.
It's just the old psychology. But psychology can't be a truly confirmed science, so psychics are almost just as "credible" as psychologists.


i do not think that it is possible for a person to predict future human events without knowing all the variables. so no psychics are not true. and its a waste of money. and not possible in science.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
I'd go just to have fun.
I would too. can you argue and say it's not true to psychics without getting kicked out? They got their rooms fixed up nice with 'ousiana witchery I suppose....


Well-Known Member
Lol at first I was reading physics, I was like whats wrong with you guys!

But no yeah psychics are quite easy to figure out even at the age of 7

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
My brother is a psychic and I'm in a 3 year training course in divination and the clairvoyant arts. It is something you should checkout, if you're in Muncie I can hook you up with the real deal not those charlatans you see on Jerry Springer.


In the science world experiments can be duplicated, in the magic (non-scientific) world, not so much...
Some people seem more in tune with the unseen and if an idea resonates in your heart when they first say it, own it, because it is now YOURS. The tricky part is You are living with other 'beings', humans ,cats etc etc and they are all, influencing Your universe. Adios Amiga