I Like alot of the opinions & thoughts of most Rep. but I have found more to be in it for themselves...i.e. oil tycoons, those that have the most to gain from soaring prices on everything.....Yeah sure the Rep. raised minimum wage, but not enough to compensate for oil prices....I paid 3500$ this year to heat my home with fuel....Obama has good down home values.....worked hard to pay off his school loans his wife and him both have deep family values......I have a good perception of folks....I am saying that I knew when I voted for Bush this last time I was making a HUGE mistake, but did it anyways.....I DON'T believe in career welfare recipants....I think we need health coverage like Canada, beacause I think there is too much profit in the medical business....and pharm. buisness too... we need to be there for our fellow americans....there is nothing worse than being sick and worring about your job, & the fact of how you are going to pay to stay healthy enough to keep working, & being a productive American... we can't do that if we are worring about how to pay to get out of debt.....from the hospitals, and docs.....I think there needs to be some kind of serious control on docs giving out pain meds....they are very bad for you.....So Vi.....this is some of my justifications.... of why I support Obama.....I am american I don't want things for free I want to be able to work a 40 hour week and make a decent living, I have 2 children I want to be able to spend time with.....If you work more than 40 you don't have time for your family....and get well rested for the next day...![]()