what do you think guys???


Active Member

A rough guide as to when to harvest is to wait until 50%-80% of the white pistils (hairs) have turned dark (usually brown or red). But a better method of determining when to harvest is to wait until certain trichomes on the plant have matured.
They start out clear, turn a milky color, then turn amber (light brown). To best judge when to harvest, wait till about a week or two before the expected harvest time (just before you go to water only feeding) and look at the trichomes on the largest buds on each plant daily.
The best time to harvest a marijuana plant is when a majority of the trichomes have turned to a milky translucent color. Not all the trichomes will mature at the exact same time, so harvest when most of the plants are ready. Or harvest each bud separately.
It is nearly impossible to see the trichomes with the human eye, so some type of magnification is needed. An inexpensive way to effectively view them is to use a pocket microscope rated at somewhere between 20x to 70x. :peace: OUT!


Active Member
Yesterday I got a small bud off the plant and I hang it in a cupboard,surprise today, it was all ready dryied,due to being a hot place in presence of a boiler.So I had my first joint,
The smoke was really good,I don't like the letargic effect so good for me, I had to stop smoking the last bit cause, probably mixed with my emotion of smoking my first home made bud, got me too high,lol.
The taste was a bit of a salty one,it is a week flushing now.Can the potency increase in an other week time?
I leave some more pictures.
Thanks to all

Fuck The System



Active Member
Looks good man, def let her go for at least another week or two. That bud will swell up real nice.

The taste and potency will increase after you harvest and let her dry and cure properly. It takes about a week of hanging for the chlorophyll to turn to sugars for the good taste. The THC level will also increase during that process.

Be patient bro she looks great just give her more time.


Active Member
:peace:....Agree with others on more time.... But, Real nice herb:leaf:Looks healthy:mrgreen:.... week 9- 10 white pistals still growing:-|....Positive Growing !


Active Member
Here new pictures guys , it's taking soo long.....
On friday it will be 12 weeks,what do you think?
I will be an happy smoker in a bit......



Well-Known Member
yea i would say no more than another week or you'll get some couchlocky stuff that looks great though. fire looking buds


Active Member
it seems to me that since im on my first grow it is so hard to determine when to cut.. i got a little microscope but its a HUGE pain in the ass to check trichomes once i get a clear shot its hard for me to determine clear/milky. none are amber yet and the majority of all my pistils are white noticed a few turned darker shades.. will go home today and see whats happened :)


Active Member
leave it till at least 75-80% of the hairs r brown n give her the snip
PS specialkey u have out done urself :) well done there lookin beautiful