What Do You Think About The Radiation Situation In Japan?Is The Gov't Keeping Secrets


Well-Known Member
Have you ever considered the vagaries of language, describe a dog or a flower or whatever without useing its name, Lets say I saw a black and white dog, pony might visualise a dalmation, someone else a black and white foxterrier someone else a black and white collie... etc. Now if you ever saw a few dogs you'll know they all look unique, just like people. So even if I say I saw a border collie, the collie you are visualising in your mind and the collie I recal seeing are not the same. Words just guide and moderate a form of telepathy, to form a close enough representation, regardless how much effort we put into narrowing it down. Why, because each one of us have a perspective on things so unique, we may as well live in diffirent dimensions.


Well-Known Member
i think its the beginning of alot of shit to come.. bare yourselves..!!!! keeep a pound tucked away !!!! :O)
I keep a pound tucked at all times, and 2 bic lighters & 8 packs of zig zags and a 10 pack of seeds and a small bottle of cloning gel..all inside of magnum condoms .kind of makes me walk funny but at least i'm prepared


Well-Known Member
I'm looking into buying a cave. I think that will be the best place to be when the shit goes down.
dont buy one they are free..........just find one.........that way no record of where you are and you can stash provisoins ahead of time without fear of it being found........................not that I know anything about such maters.......

Total Head

Well-Known Member
am i the only one concerned about radioactive rain? we eat the food that the rain grows. generally speaking weather moves from west to east. if my tomatoes start glowing i'm gonna be pissed. i paid extra for heirloom.


Pickle Queen
30 plus veggie seeds, 30 plus weed seeds, multiple strains and 50 plus flower seeds

I have a dozen 2L juice jugs now filled with water and fresh soil, clothes, food for months, i'm fucking ready!!!!

iosh herman

Active Member
30 plus veggie seeds, 30 plus weed seeds, multiple strains and 50 plus flower seeds

I have a dozen 2L juice jugs now filled with water and fresh soil, clothes, food for months, i'm fucking ready!!!!
Too bad not everybody thinks like you!


Active Member
NOw that was what I was looking for........what would happen......best answer...thanks...and scary as fuck........damn...........that is a nasty scenerio......is there anyway to avoid that at this time or is it to late.........

All 6 reactors at Fukushima Dai-Ichi are now in various states of meltdown and/or systemic cooling/containment failure, the two to watch most closely are Unit 2 (probable pooling-floor vessel breach) and Unit 3, due to the plutonium/uranium MOX fuel (this is one of only 2 MOX fueled reactors in Japan). All but Unit 6 are the weakest type (Mark 1) of GE containment systems. Unit 6 is Mark 2.
If 1 or more of the units has a vessel floor breach,the world will get large varying dispersement doses of radiation. The super-reactive pile of fuel pellets will congeal into a nuclear fire-fueled mass, and bore into the containment building floor, then continue boring into the earth, until it hits the water table. At this point, the water is instantly turned into a super-charged radioactive steam jet that will blow upwards with such force that it shoot through the borehole, then the building and up into the atmosphere at jet stream level.
This will be dispersed world wide, and the radiation levels will be extreme. A nuclear steam kettle, if you will.
The true nightmare is if the floor breach occurs in Unit 3 (the MOX plutonium/uranium fueled one), as not only will the force of meltdown be greater but the deadly plutonium will increase the radioactivity by exponential levels. And if any of this plutonium, even at infinitesimal levels, gets into a person, they are a dead man/woman/child walking.
What if the water table is the ocean.....same thing?

Crews 'facing 100-year battle' at Fukushima


What is a Meltdown?